Sentences with phrase «emitting nations there»

In the United States and other high - emitting nations there is hardly a peep in the US media about the practical consequences of seeing climate change as a world - challenging ethical problem.
In the United States and other high - emitting nations there is hardly a peep or a whisper about the practical consequences of seeing climate change as a world - challenging ethical problem.

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If a nation emitting high levels of ghgs refuses to reduce its emissions to its fair share of safe global emissions on the basis that there is too much scientific uncertainty to warrant action, if it turns out that human - induced climate change actually greatly harms the health and ecological systems on which life depends for tens of millions of others, should that nation be responsible for the harms that could have been avoided if preventative action had been taken earlier?
When you argue that a nation emitting high levels of ghgs need not adopt climate change policies because there is scientific uncertainty about adverse climate change impacts, are you arguing that a nation need not take action on climate change until scientific uncertainties are resolved given that waiting to resolve all scientific uncertainties before action is taken may very likely make it too late to prevent catastrophic climate change harms to millions of people around the world?
Because it has been scientifically well established that there is a great risk of catastrophic harm from human - induced change (even though it is acknowledged that there are remaining uncertainties about timing and magnitude of climate change impacts), no high - emitting nation, sub-national government, organization, business, or individual of greenhouse gases may use some remaining scientific uncertainty about climate change impacts as an excuse for not reducing its emissions to its fair share of safe global greenhouse gas emission on the basis of scientific uncertainty.
Among close observers of the negotiations and the science informing these talks, there is widespread agreement that there is little hope of keeping warming to tolerable levels unless high - emitting nations base their emissions reductions promises on what equity would require of them.
Because a high percentage of the arguments made by most proponents of climate change policy have been focused on adverse climate impacts that citizens will experience where they live, while ignoring the harms to hundreds of millions of vulnerable poor people around the world that are being affected by GHG emissions from all - high emitting nations, along with claims that mainstream climate science is credible and has been undermined by morally reprehensible tactics, there is a need to make more people aware of:
Because, as we have demonstrated in the recent article on «equity» and climate change, there are approximately 50 ppm of CO2 equivalent atmospheric space that remain to be allocated among all nations to give the world approximately a 50 % chance of avoiding a 2oC warming and developing nations that have done little to elevate atmospheric CO2 to current levels need a significant portion of the remaining atmospheric space, high emitting developed nations need to reduce their emissions as fast as possible to levels that represent their fair share of the remaining acceptable global budget.
Is there a particular reason that the desert southwest is always higher than the rest of the nation, or does Phoenix just emit a lot of hot air?
There is poor information of benefits of emitting CO2 There is virtually no reliable information to describe to describle what harms will occur to a particular nation.
Indonesia, whose rapid clearing of rainforests accounts for about one - quarter of all carbon emissions from deforestation globally, has said that it will pledge to cut its emissions by 40 % from 2005 levels by 2030, if it receives international support: Currently deforestation is the source of 80 % of Indonesia's carbon emissions, and when these emissions are included in the nation's total (they aren't always, on some charts of highest emitting nations) it is in the top ten emitters — right up there with the US, China, and other industrial nations.
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