Sentences with phrase «emotional avoidance»

Emotional avoidance means intentionally avoiding or resisting feeling and expressing emotions, often to protect oneself from experiencing discomfort, pain, or vulnerability. It involves a tendency to suppress, ignore, or minimize emotions instead of facing and dealing with them. Full definition
One big goal of marriage counseling techniques is to decrease emotional avoidance and to bring couples closer together.
Participants also worked to identify emotional avoidance versus emotional acceptance and the consequences of each.
These include reliving the event through intrusive memories and dreams; emotional avoidance such as steering clear of reminders of the trauma and detaching emotionally from others; and hyperarousal that causes sufferers to startle easily, sleep poorly and be on alert for potential threats.
Meet Kate Malone — straight - A science and math geek, minister's daughter, ace long - distance runner, new girlfriend (to Mitchell «Early Decision Harvard» Pangborn III), unwilling family caretaker, and emotional avoidance champion.
Fear of emotions (ACS) was positively and strongly correlated with emotional avoidance - NAS (0.67), rumination (0.63), hopelessness rumination (0.69), and Avoidant coping - COPE (0.54).
The subscale scores can range from − 39 to +39, with higher scores reflecting greater emotional approach and greater emotional avoidance.
To explain this interrelation we hypothesized the same mechanisms indicated in Borkovec» model (2004) and Alloy and colleagues (2000), which states that ruminative worrying is a form of emotional avoidance that plays a role in the maintenance of anxiety in generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) and mood disorders.
Decrease emotional avoidance Communication is the foundation of every relationship, whether it's through spoken words, sign language, text messages or emails, or body language.
Describe how specifically tailored experiential exercises serve to treat emotional avoidance in women with a history of sexual trauma.
Couples counseling seeks to overcome emotional avoidance and the distance that has developed in your relationship.
Analogously to observations on the relationships between emotional avoidance, beliefs about emotions, and emotion dysregulation (Linehan, 1993), it has recently been argued that experiential avoidance — the tendency to escape private experiences, such as emotions — may be understood as a function of emotion dysregulation (Hayes et al., 1996; Boulanger, Hayes, & Pistorello, 2010).
Other targets of effective therapy include changing the views of the relationship, decreasing emotional avoidance, improving communication and promoting strengths, says Susan Whitbourne, Ph.D., in the «Psychology Today» article «5 Principles of Effective Couples Therapy.»
Emotional avoidance is a pandemic.
Beliefs about emotions (BAEQ scores) were negatively correlated with adaptive ERS (reappraisal, acceptance, and active problem solving), and positively correlated with maladaptive ERS (suppression - ERQ, rumination - SRRS, emotional avoidance - NAS and avoidant coping - COPE)(see Table 2 (a)-RRB-.
For example, rumination would be an attempt to find a solution in response to the fear of being overcome by depression; emotional avoidance could be a strategy oriented by the belief that anxiety is uncontrollable and motivated by the goal to avoid loss of control; moreover, anger and positive emotions seem to be mainly associated with the fear to loose control, and difficulties in regulating impulses and behaviours.
The belief that emotions are uncontrollable was associated with higher use of rumination and emotional avoidance and lower use of acceptance, reappraisal and problem solving.
Consistently with the literature (Aldao et al., 2010; Wells, 2008; Clark & Beck, 2009), the aim of the present study was to investigate the associations between negative beliefs about emotions and the adoption of maladaptive regulation strategies (i.e. rumination, suppression, emotional avoidance, and avoidant coping).
Concerning the role of experiential avoidance, mediation findings showed that people who had negative beliefs about emotions, difficulties regulating emotions, and a tendency to experiential avoidance, used specific ER strategies, such as rumination and avoidant style (i.e. suppression, emotional avoidance, and substance use).
Negative beliefs about the uncontrollability of depressed mood and anxiety were associated with higher use of rumination and emotional avoidance, and with a limited access to ER strategies.
Couples Counseling works with the couple - system and allows the couple to have a more objective view of their relationship, modify dysfunctional behavior, decrease emotional avoidance, improve communication, and promote their strengths.
Fear of depressed mood and anxiety was associated with rumination and emotional avoidance, whereas emotion suppression was mainly associated with fear of anger and positive affect.
Also, we found that experiential avoidance mediated the association between beliefs about emotion, rumination and emotional avoidance.
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