Sentences with phrase «emotional behavior alone»

But whereas the uncanny valley is normally used to describe the visual appearance of a robot or virtual character, this study finds that, given a particular appearance, emotional behavior alone can seem uncanny.

Not exact matches

• Appear needy or desperate • Seem alone or lonely • Apologize for something • Justify anything you've done or said • Look for a woman's approval • Explain your actions, thoughts or behavior • Defend yourself or your position on anything • Rationalize to someone • Allow anyone to have an emotional effect on you.
We do not know if low income and financial instability alone can adversely affect children's behavior, emotional stability, and educational outcomes.
Social and emotional learning (SEL) data gives educators critical insight into why a student is struggling — information that traditional measures alone, such as attendance and behavior incidents, don't provide.
Neglectful behaviors included leaving the child alone and unsupervised and not providing adequate care (food, doctor visits, emotional support).
We see children and adolescents alone to help them with emotional disorders, behavior problems, and life skills.
The SDQ consists of five scales of five items each, generating scores for conduct problems (e.g., «Steals from home, school or elsewhere»), hyperactivity - inattention (e.g., «Restless, overactive, can not stay still for long»), emotional symptoms (e.g., «Many worries, often seems worried»), peer problems (e.g., «Rather solitary, tends to play alone»), and prosocial behavior (e.g., «Helpful if someone is hurt, upset or feeling ill»).
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