Sentences with phrase «emotional biases which»

By definition, schemas represent persistent rigid cognitive and emotional biases which are extremely difficult to disengage from.

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«We investigate whether emotional shocks, experienced by a highly - educated group of individuals, have any impact on these individuals» professional behavior which, by law, should be free of personal feelings and biases,» says the report.
I've comment on another one of your comments, but now that I've seen more of your comments, all which a based on your personal experience and bias it's quite comical to see you call someone else's comment emotional and irrational unless you are specifically commenting on party of the comment «uncastrated dogs father lots and lots of pups» because the rest of the comment is quite the opposite, they are way too many factors at play too suggest that neutering causes behavior problems
A lens is a cognitive, emotional or perceptual bias which affects how information is received, understood and contextualised.
The core problem, I believe, is the interaction between our penchant for biased reasoning on the one hand, the deeply polarized political climate (which pushes emotional buttons rather than encouraging calm deliberation), and the rich misinformation environment (there's a ready - made argument in defense of anything and everything).
What your comments do indicate however is your extreme bias against those skeptics such as myself who accept AGW as provisionally true and your rather arrogant general attitude which begins to reveal an emotional attachment to this issue, calling into question your own objectivity.
Emotional bias is one of the important mechanisms which helps to drive narrative takeovers; I am close to completing a short piece on this that I'll send for your consideration.
@idyball I think that the conscious effort goes to the interpretation of an online conversation which is biased by the emotional state of reciver.
Childhood depressive symptoms may arise from genetic and environmental risks, which act to bias the ways in which children process emotional information.
In a related vein, consistent with theories on emotional contagion according to which intimate partners are highly vulnerable to each other's emotions (Goodman and Shippy 2002), it is conceivable that mothers are biased toward negative emotions due to their partners» psychological difficulties, leading mothers to talk more about these emotions with their children.
With the exception of attentional bias (Verhaak et al., 2004), which was measured using an Emotional Stroop task, all psychosocial variables were measured with self - report scales.
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