Sentences with phrase «emotional catharsis»

"Emotional catharsis" refers to the release or relief of pent-up emotions, such as sadness, anger, or frustration, in a safe and healthy way. It allows a person to express and process their feelings, which can help them feel more emotionally balanced and at peace. Full definition
Deaths happen, often demanding relevance or some sort of emotional catharsis despite the deceased being little more than recently introduced underdeveloped fodder, and when the characters that do matter die, the film rushes on without giving the moment a chance to breathe.
At a time when most hospital shows revolve around the life - or - death procedures and diagnoses, Red Band Society is about the patients and provides much - needed emotional catharsis to its audience.
Executive producers Gloria Calderon Kellett and Mike Royce have ensured that the best aspects of the multi-cam format play these scenes as pure theater, bending the rules of reality at times for the greatest emotional catharsis.
It's very funny, but unafraid of intense emotional catharsis.
Deploying a kind of gradual growth that amazes in its subtlety, Kirkley is able to transition his tale from historical account to on - the - run thrill ride before landing on emotional catharsis, without a single turn distracting from the greater story.
But «San Andreas» is never scary, not in its torrents of lowest - bidder computer - generated imagery, not amidst story elements that evoke the ill - fated 1997 Tommy Lee Jones vehicle «Volcano,» and especially not when Caltech seismologist Lawrence Hayes (Paul Giamatti) tells us how scary they are, mostly with junk science and an early, unearned emotional catharsis.
As a result, the «Jerry Maguire» - level emotional catharsis it strives for instead plays as unearned schmaltz.
It may manipulate poor, ignorant followers of Hawking into emotional catharsis and shedding of tears.
Incessantly repeating the same song signals a moment of emotional catharsis.
Such a process ran lead to emotional catharsis (as in counseling)-- the pouring out of infected feelings, whereby the poison is drained from the wounds of one's spirit.
New research suggests that we seek out physical pain to provide an emotional catharsis for feelings of guilt or shame.
I often found myself wanting to feel what the Whitman brothers were feeling, yearning to sympathize with them and to feel an emotional catharsis to compare with theirs.
I don't know if i should love this album less for subjecting me to this emotional catharsis, but i think most listening will agree that the album is something very special.
Take, for example, this year's How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days, which seemed to believe that its characters were worthy of serious romance and emotional catharsis.
The plot climaxes with several characters dropping Ecstasy to reach an emotional catharsis, which is one of the laziest shortcuts in the screenwriter's handbook.
What we're looking for in storytelling or art is emotional catharsis.
I scrawled these words in my notebook before swooning home from Carol, Todd Haynes's consummate braiding of social diagnosis and emotional catharsis.
If you're in the mood for emotional catharsis, A Monster Calls is one of the weepiest experiences I've had at the theater this year.
Her reading invites us to lean forward with tears in our eyes as we listen to the emotional catharsis she experienced when she revealed her sexual orientation to her parents or when she talks about her marriage to Lara Embry.
Unafraid to show his traumatized characters» constant groping for emotional catharsis, Foer demonstrates once again that he is one of the few contemporary writers willing to risk sentimentalism in order to address great questions of truth, love and beauty.
As abstract expressionism dominated the American art world, Bloom became disenchanted with it, calling it «emotional catharsis, with no intellectual basis.»
He avoided focusing on insight, emotional catharsis, and conscious power plays.
Planful interactions rather than emotional catharsis.
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