Sentences with phrase «emotional concerns of»

Tony has the knowledge and personal understanding of God to integrate the spiritual and emotional concerns of life.
They explicitly state the advantages their expertise offers while also tapping into the emotional concerns of fathers, who are left to choose between one firm that regularly proves that they understand their clients, and a sea of generic competitors who have not made their case.

Not exact matches

Knowing what issues are being discussed most frequently, what concerns are most often analyzed, and how financial and emotional capital are used could provide a valuable layer of insight for managers.
But the research obviously raises some important concerns about the Louisiana judicial system specifically, as well as how to better manage the emotional humans at the helm of any major system.
The study's first experiment showed that participants with lower levels of emotional understanding allowed anxiety unrelated to decisions they were making concerning risk influence these decisions.
«Every week is unique, and pastors are faced with the need to get insight from the Spirit of God to understand the mood and emotional state of the congregants,» said Ríos, citing a rise in depression and marital issues among hurricane victims, as well as concerns over suicide rates and violent criminal activity in the long recovery period.
Like the part about women - blaming and shaming combined with the pastor digging up offenses from the past, referencing an emotional distance he feels from us as we leave, citing his own pastoral involvement and authority in the decisions of our lives up to this point, threatening to talk to the pastor of the church we're visiting to share his «concerns,» and suggesting that I'm just a weak mess of emotions and that's why I can't handle the life - sucking horror that has become sundays at this church.
This means that whereas a proposition must properly conform to the nexus to which it refers independently of the experience of any particular occasion, and is a logical type, a judgment is concerned with the conformity of components within one particular occasion, and is an emotional type.
And back then, wasn't it the fans wrapped up in «theories» who were ultimately disappointed when they found out that Lost wasn't really concerned with answering the thousands of questions it had raised — that it was less a heady show about theology and science and more an emotional show about its characters and the human experience?
They were, however, more concerned with the emotional experience of salvation by a sudden conversion than they were with theological dogmas.
When I finally exposed myself to the literature that dealt with the ecological crisis, its emotional impact did not have to do only with my concern for the future of human beings.
In Whitehead's «theory of religion,» the development of religion leads (at least in its last level that we know of) to a rationalization of religious experience (LM 20 - 36) 5 Although, at first, religious concerns were preoccupied with rituals, partial myths, and emotional stabilization, later religious consciousness evolved increasingly towards the recognition of universal connectivity, leaving behind provincial rituals and social bindings (RM 28).
Primary prevention is concerned with the elimination of conditions that produce emotional illness and with the promotion of conditions that will foster mental health.
Tertiary prevention is concerned with rehabilitation that will prevent the development of chronic disability in persons who sustain severe emotional difficulties.
Since Tom Wolfe stated that «the Third Great Awakening» was the motive force behind the «Me Decade,» critics on the left have accused the growing evangelical sector of the church of self - centered emotional navel - gazing and the vending of opiates for social concern.
Should the course you follow be exactly the same regardless of whether (1) you are loved in return, (2) the marriage is a good one, (3) there are children, (4) the children, if any, are small / grown up, (5) the emotional and social consequences for all concerned parties will probably be devastating, (6) you stand a good chance of losing your job if you interfere in the marriage, or (7) you / the wife accidentally becomes pregnant?
Even many physicians are relatively uninformed; and, surprisingly, psychiatrists and other mental health specialists seem particularly limited where the elderly are concerned, despite the fact that large numbers of older people experience depression and other emotional stresses.
Craddock, too, in Overhearing the Gospel (1978), endorsed «narrative» sermons — not that narrative should replace logic, or that sermons consist only of stories, but that the sermon has «the scope that ties it to the life of a larger community» and touches «intellectual or emotional or volitional» concerns while «conveying the sense of movement from one place to another» and «thinking alongside the hearers.»
These are reasonable, worthy concerns that we should be able to articulate with civility and boldness without fear of being judged as entitled, emotional, or selfish.
Just as the physical union of two persons becomes rich and rewarding, and not only gratifying in a physical and emotional sense, when it is expressive of a wide sharing of life together, so also a family that is totally centered in itself, without concern for those around it and for the broader matters they represent, is likely to lose a great deal, while with such an awareness and wider sharing it is likely to be rich and rewarding.
You express American religious freedom very well right there at the beginning of your post: «consider yourself what you wish... doesn't make it so...» Yet they are not concerned with what is actually real, but only what they believe in their heads using emotional and cultural feedback to reinforce their beliefs.
Mental health concerns should motivate a layman to encourage his minister to do those things which are consistent with his mental health — a regular «preacher's sabbath» away from the telephone, at least a month's vacation for recharging his emotional and intellectual batteries, sufficient money and freedom to enjoy the legitimate recreational resources of the area, and enough privacy to protect the minister and his family from excessive living - in - a-goldfish-bowl pressure.
Holistic health is concerned with increasing people's wellness levels in the physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, interpersonal, and environmental (3) areas; but its primary focus is the whole person, who is more than simply the sum of these various aspects.
These authors demonstrate that a concern for emotional reality is neither merely a dispensable feature of hothouse revivalism nor just a regrettable artifact of the «me» generation.
Effective parental / executive leadership and authority to nurture, protect, and socialize Organizational stability, with clarity, consistency and predictability Adaptability and flexibility — to better meet stresses and change Open communication characterized by clarity of rules and expectations, positive interactions, and a range of emotional expression and empathic responsiveness Effective problem - solving and conflict - resolution processes A shared belief system that enables trust, and promotes ethical values and concern for the larger human community Adequate resources for security and psychosocial support
But insofar as this psychology talks of man's deep emotional drives, his purposive activity, his striving for realization of selfhood, his need to love and to be able to receive love, and with these the twistings and distortings which may be uncovered in him — insofar as it does this, it helps us see something of what true fulfillment is about and has much to say concerning such actualization of man, with man's consequent «satisfaction» and the joy which it provides, about which in an entirely different idiom the heavenly city was a picture.
I reply at once that where the character, as something distinguished from the intellect, is concerned, the causes of human diversity lie chiefly in our differing susceptibilities of emotional excitement, and in the different impulses and inhibitions which these bring in their train.
A shifting of the emotional centre towards loving and harmonious affections, towards «yes, yes,» and away from «no,» where the claims of the non-ego are concerned.
This is perhaps especially true among evangelicals: historically evangelicals have tended to emphasize God's sovereignty in all things, but more recently much of their literature focuses on emotional and psychological concerns.8
Community clergymen can therefore move into action in the prevention of mental and emotional disturbances in each of these three areas: (1) by using the mental health center resources to make their total pastoral ministry more effective in the early detection of problems; (2) by becoming more comfortable in the use of their own style of helping troubled people so that some crisis situations can be contained; (3) by using the rich resources of social concern in the churches to attack the wider problems out of which so many individual cases of emotional disturbance arise.
Finally, we have learned that prevention of mental and emotional problems must include concern for the economic, social, and environmental problems which trouble entire communities and form the foundation for specific instances of mental illness and breakdown.
The sufferings endured through not relating to the internal Kingdom of Our Lord are of great concern - marriage breakdown, living together before marriage, domestic violence, utter confusion over sexual matters, abortion, to name a few of the problems - when we have little idea about how to grow in love through the necessary inner emotional conversion.
It is well established that many people go to their minister, priest, or rabbi with their personal and emotional concerns; therefore, the mental health professionals seek to relate to the clergyman as a «mental health gatekeeper» in order to reach people in need of mental health services.
By its stress on event and on patterning and integration, by its insistence that relationships constitute an entity, by its concern for an awareness of the depths of human experience (motivations, desires, drives, and «emotional intensity,» for example), as well as by its recognition that we are part of the world and continuous with what has gone before us and even now surrounds and affects us, process thought not only has been in agreement with the newer scientific emphasis on «wholeness,» but has also contributed a perspective which can give that emphasis a meaningful setting and a context in the structure of things in a dynamic universe.
Would it not embark on a comprehensive program of parent education as a central focus of its work, making the discoveries of the psychologists concerning the emotional hungers of children, from the very dawn of life on, easily available to all its parents?
We are heirs of the alternative view that emotional involvement in public events and concern about them are essential to our humanity.
Consequently there is reason to be concerned for the mental health of the clergy, and how they prepare to assist persons who are wrestling, as we all do at one time or another, with emotional problems.
We are more concerned with the emotional now of the match rather than any financial analyses.
Anyone concerned with either Arsenal or Man City will also have been a temporary fan of Norwich City this weekend, and not just in the hope of hearing a «tired and emotional» Delia Smith drunkenly cajoling the Norwich fans with a microphone.
In this episode, Stephanie interviews Ali Miller, RD from to discuss considerations for cesarean births including: the mental and emotional side of changing your birth plan, concerns for mom and baby, and tips for a speedy recovery!
Since 1998, I have been working with individual adults and couples in the Minneapolis and St. Paul communities to resolve a variety of emotional, health, and relationship concerns.
Would like to discuss feelings of anxiety, emotional issues, concerns such as milk supply, pain, baby medical concerns, will impact breastfeeding.
Really felt emotional today when I discovered that he is getting worse with his concerns of getting older.
She instead spent her 10 minutes of allotted time expressing her concern with the emotional state of her students.
Ostensibly, it is the story of a team of nine - year old hockey players in a Boston suburb, their coach, a former high school baseball coach and local sports hero, the all - male board of directors of the town's hockey club, a hockey mom concerned about her kids emotional well - being, and, at center ice, a set of adorable, identical, competitive, but sensitive twin boys who became, as is all too often the case in the adult - centered world of youth sports, the unintended but innocent victims of a real life power play.
«Other contributors to this condition in an older child could be the fear of missing out when a younger sibling gets to stay home with mom and dad or the wish to take care of a parent because of health concerns or emotional issues,» says Dr. Kennedy - Moore.
Opportunity is offered to our clients to participate in the planning and implementation of their care, as emphasis is placed on an outcome that satisfies emotional, educational, family and spiritual concerns beyond the obvious physical needs.
In these cases of emotional insomnia, finding someone to talk to - be it a friend, clergyman, or doctor - goes a long way to easing the fears and concerns.
But in recent years officials have become concerned that students who spend too much time perfecting their transcripts may be missing out on some of the important but intangible social and emotional aspects of the high school experience.
We'll discuss some of the emotional and physical concerns of dealing with recurrent miscarriages.
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