Sentences with phrase «emotional condition of»

For instance, teachers can be asked to report on the emotional condition of a child before and after visits and to report on any information the child offers in school.
Upon request of a party, the court shall consider the following factors in respect to both parents: the financial resources of the child, the financial resources of the custodial parent, the standard of living the child would have enjoyed had the marital relationship not been discontinued, the physical and emotional condition of the child, the educational needs of the child, the financial resources and needs of the non-custodial parent, inflation, the costs of meeting the educational needs of either parent, if the costs are incurred for the purpose of increasing the earning capacity of the parent, extraordinary travel and other travel - related expenses incurred in exercising the right to parent - child contact, and any other factors the court finds relevant.
• Timely observed and reported a change in the emotional condition of the client which saved her life.
The court shall also consider the physical and emotional condition of the child, as well as the child's educational needs, the provision of health insurance for the child, the duration of parenting time and related expenses incurred by the noncustodial parent for the child during that parenting time.
The age and the physical and emotional condition of both parties.9.
I, too, would be interested in learning the physical / emotional condition of Suzie Q. For those curious about what a puppy mill dog may look like, and to read a bit about those bought by Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier Rescue, click on and you will see hundreds of these dogs.

Not exact matches

Whether they're for your physical condition, emotional outlook, or level of productivity, the things you repeatedly do every day define your quality of life.
Here's why: The manager was now aware of an emotional condition.
Following from the foregoing definition of religion are the sociological functions described by Thomas F. O'Dea: 13 (I) «It provides the emotional ground for a new security and firmer identity amid the uncertainties and impossibilities of the human condition and the flux and change of history.
We have seen that the Emmanuel approach, in contrast to AA, recognized that selfishness in adults is a symptom of childhood emotional deprivation and inner conflict, and saw the importance of unconscious motivation and childhood conditioning.
Primary prevention is concerned with the elimination of conditions that produce emotional illness and with the promotion of conditions that will foster mental health.
Obama is a progressive Christian who blends the emotional fire of the African - American church, the ecumenical outlook of contemporary Protestantism, and the activism of the Social Gospel, a late 19th - century movement whose leaders faulted American churches for focusing too much on personal salvation while ignoring the conditions that led to pervasive poverty.
Both are irrational... religion, which is force fed to Americans from childhood, creates the mental / emotional conditions for other irrationalities like fear and hatred of people who are different in some way.
I am certainly aware of the fact sin has been a part of the human condition since time began.The effects are catastrophic causing physical, emotional, and mental deterioration.Striving to make healthy choices that will enhance our overall quality of life is our responsibility.
There again Michael you are confusing Roman culture and Greek culture... there is not fact and verifiable to your claim only random hypothosis motivated by an emotional sinful culture to change Jesus» words... instead of proof texting take all the text together they all condition that marraige is between man and woman... and unless you can have babies your arguement is futile.
(3) Emotional, social, and moral traits — degree of aggressiveness, initiative, maturity, self - understanding and self - acceptance, extraversion or introversion, neurotic or psychotic conditions, confidence, poise, friendliness, adaptability, selfishness or unselfishness.
Within China itself, however, «Confucius» after decades of cultural iconoclastic conditioning, still seems to elicit a negative emotional reaction.
The anima mundi, to whose disposal of his own personal destiny the Stoic consents, is there to be respected and submitted to, but the Christian God is there to be loved and the difference of emotional atmosphere is like that between an arctic climate and the tropics, though the outcome in the way of accepting actual conditions uncomplainingly may seem in abstract terms to be much the same.
God accepts whatever we bring to the God / person relationship — our physical and spiritual condition, personality, connection to reality, our participation in relationships, talents, inabilities, cognition, knowledge, ignorance, life journey, spiritual journey, walk about, wandering, seeking, questioning, questing, acceptance of God, rejection of God — and our emotional and mental status: hate / love, anger / peace, sadness / happiness, hurt / health, feeling lost and abandoned / feeling found and included, agitation / serenity, apathy / passion, confusion / clarity, fractures / wholeness — all of this, all of whoever we are and have ever been and every action committed or ever contemplated and every thought we ever explored or entertained or that flitted through our mind — all of this, we bring to the God / person relationship and God accepts the totality of who we are and every component that comprises who we are — as a gift.
Having temporarily lost the ability to deal with the conditions of his life and to cope with the stress that he was facing, he was in a state of emotional crisis.
We have seen ample evidence of conditions in the emotional climate of the early lives of the alcoholics which give rise to inner conflicts.
Perhaps her own attitude toward death has influenced her perception of her patients» final emotional condition as death approaches.
Extensive interviews with Pulayas were published by the missionaries.21 At this stage of the campaign the CMS missionaries developed not only a sense of sympathy for the Pulaya community, but also a degree of emotional commitment to do something concrete about the Pulayas» social condition.
Based on his extensive experience with troubled families, Ackerman declares: «Under optimal conditions it is possible to achieve a level of positive emotional health beyond that which characterized the families - of - origin.
He found that, between the end of the eleventh century and the first half of the sixteenth century, there was a succession of highly emotional mass movements, motivated by the desire of various groups to see the material conditions of their lives greatly improved.
The work of art exemplifies the emotional condition.12 Wittgenstein devoted subtle attention to just this point.
They are riding a wave of interest in exploring how physical conditions, such as vulnerability to infection and persistence of chronic immunologic illness, may be tied to emotional states and environmental stressors.
Noah's Ark Children's Hospice provides clinical, emotional and practical care and support to children and young people with life - limiting and life - threatening conditions, with a central aim of enabling them to live life as fully as possible, regardless of cognitive or sensory ability.
As a mom who didn't have the option to breastfeed exclusively due to a pre-existing condition that left me with low supply, it can be extremely emotional to read some of the comments that are posted on marketing formulas.
Mr Steele found that the fathers» initial interviews, conducted during the pregnancy, were powerful predictors of the children's emotional and mental state at age 11, but not of their condition at younger ages.
Special Needs - Conditions that make some children harder to place than other children include: physical, mental, and emotional disabilities, age, race (minorities), sibling groups, and history of physical or sexual abuse.
«Other contributors to this condition in an older child could be the fear of missing out when a younger sibling gets to stay home with mom and dad or the wish to take care of a parent because of health concerns or emotional issues,» says Dr. Kennedy - Moore.
Many new mothers experience a brief episode of the «baby blues,» but some will develop postpartum depression, a much more serious condition that requires active treatment and emotional support for the new mother.
I have to accept that it's part of our human condition to be an emotional wreck sometimes.
There are certain physiological things that irritate this condition - like low blood sugar or low blood pressure, the radical hormonal changes a woman goes through, emotional ambivalence, vitamin B6 or iron deficiency, or excessive amounts of grease or spices.
Authors Michael and Debi Pearl advocate for emotional conditioning from an early age, using physical abuse to teach even young babies limits of their small worlds.
This comprehensive and empathetic book confronts the seldom - talked - about issue of pregnancy - related depression, identifying symptoms, treatments, and cures for this constellation of serious, underdiagnosed, and surprisingly common emotional conditions.
You'll find sections on piercing, breast surgery, d - mer (a condition where mothers have a short, sudden emotional dip during a milk ejection reflex), tongue - tie including pictures of lesser - known types, depression, and much more, along with resources for further information on each topic.
Acupuncture is a system of complementary medicine that involves pricking the skin or tissues with needles, used to alleviate pain and to treat various physical, mental, and emotional conditions.
Parents want to do everything possible to help their struggling teens, and sometimes medical professionals recommend medicines to help with emotional, behavioral or physical conditions that may be the root of a troubled teen's problems.
For instance, it has been consistently associated with prevention of childhood / adolescence obesity, a condition that can harm the child's self - esteem and socio - emotional development.
Reactive attachment disorder (RAD) is a rare condition of emotional dysfunction, in which a baby or child can not form a bond with its parents or caregivers due to early neglect or mistreatment.
Add in behavioral problems already present due to mental or emotional based conditions, trauma, abuse histories and other sources and you have an especially potent cocktail of dysfunction that can make it difficult for your teen to be successful in their goals.
Also called perinatal emotional complications, perinatal mood and anxiety disorders include conditions like depression, anxiety, and obsessive - compulsive disorder and can occur any time during pregnancy and the first year of parenting.
This therapeutic support group explores the emotional journey of parenting a child with a chronic condition.
Sitting for prolonged periods in crowded conditions, greatly increases the risk of varicose veins and blood clots, heightens physical and emotional stress, and can exacerbate overall health problems.
Worryingly, almost half of these people (49 per cent) felt that not talking about their diabetes had impacted on how they manage their condition and over a third (39 per cent) felt this had affected their physical or emotional health.
Patients are eligible if they are enrolled in Medicaid and have two or more chronic conditions such as substance use disorder, asthma, diabetes or one single chronic condition of either HIV / AIDS, serious mental illness or serious emotional disturbance or complex trauma.
The fear conditioning experiments, done with live rats, showed that individual neurons in the amygdala, the emotional hub of the brain, that were initially capable of telling apart safe from dangerous stimuli can start firing indiscriminately — causing the rat to become fearful of non-threatening stimuli.
The researchers chose two places in the brain — the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis (BNST) and the central nucleus of the amygdala (CeA)-- because both have been implicated in the aversive effects of such emotional processes as fear conditioning and general anxiety.
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