Sentences with phrase «emotional confrontations»

Dog spotters must develop good relationships with shelter staff and avoid emotional confrontations that are sure to antagonize the employees who hold the fate of the dog in their hands.
Sustained national media attention on the shooting, emotional confrontations between politicians and survivors and their families, as well as a public - opinion shift in favor of stricter gun laws could spur Congress to do something to tighten access to guns.
That was the beginning of what King now calls a year of «huge emotional confrontation» for Navratilova.
So the movie's attempt at a big emotional confrontation at the end just feels like padding, as does the extended denouement.
Methodical, mustachioed Alvin aims to «reap the rewards of solitude,» even if that's just code for fleeing emotional confrontation.
Excessive energy is invested in emotional confrontations, threats and removal from class to suppress misbehavior.
Hickam's portraits reveal a dedication to gestural abstraction with an emphasis on emotional confrontation.
Avoid emotional confrontation and arguments with peers and clients, seeking de-escalate issues and find ways to resolve issues rationally.
Parents should know that this film includes brief strong language and some emotional confrontations.
The filmmakers make a little extra time for the big plot twists and emotional confrontations, but these generally feel less organic than the shorthand montages that glide us through less important events, which actually convey the feeling of a tight transitional paragraph.
In his article about informational and emotional confrontation and self - defence he argues that acknowledging and practicing the right to informational self - determination by states is necessary for psychological self - defence because instead of conventional attacks the informational ones are much more evident today, the informational opposition always exists and «the «sword of truth» is not enough for self - defence.»
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