Sentences with phrase «emotional downward spiral»

Parentification of Children — Some parents spin into an emotional downward spiral during or after their marital rupture.
It was Michelle's emotional downward spiral that led her on an introspective healing journey, and from these experiences, her business was born.
The problem with cheat meals is that what starts out as a moderate carb snack, will quickly end up a weekend binge eating contest which will often start a physical as well as an emotional downward spiral.

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It sends you into a downward emotional spiral that is difficult to pull out of.
If you feel like you are caught in the middle of a downward spiral that is taking a toll on your mental, physical and emotional well - being, you can interpret the red flag as a green light to move onto something different.
The perfectionism, relentless striving, and constant comparison with other students result in a downward spiral into emptiness, deep isolation, frustration, and emotional distress.
That traumatic emotional or physical event that happened five years ago might have been just enough to send your adrenals on a long - term downward spiral.
Instead, you become drawn into a downward spiral of physical pain, emotional anxiety, and financial desperation.
Once one person begin to have doubts about their level of emotional connection, it sows the seeds of discontent that can quickly turn into a negative downward spiral that can end in break - up, separation, or divorce.
Conversely, choosing court as the combative arena to resolve post divorce issues can lead to a downward spiral of negative energy, years of resentment and unresolved conflict which is likely to damage the physical and emotional development of children as they grow up, caught in the middle of two warring parents.
And once emotional distance starts growing, couples may find themselves in a downward spiral: the further apart you feel, the greater the distance to overcome and the more space between you to fill with other demands on your time, thus the less sex you have, leading to more emotional distance...
In these Marriage Coaching Programs you and your partner will become (more) conscious of both the positives and negatives that drive the relational dynamics in your marriage; you'll stop the emotional and relational downward spiral; and find new answers and acquire new skills to get your marriage back to being loving and strong.
Conversely, negative cognitive - emotional patterns, including suppression of unwanted thoughts and self - critical rumination, lead to downward spirals in which attentional resources are hijacked by fears, imagined threats, and beliefs about personal inadequacy, leading to a restricted range of percepts, ideas, and actions.
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