Sentences with phrase «emotional exchange with»

Like the woman, also the man lives the pregnancy and the childbirth such as a phase of psychological restructuration and he confronts himself with his personal and family history.56 But, unlike the woman, the man does not experience an emotional exchange with the child during the pregnancy or after the childbirth and he establish the relation in the two months after the childbirth.57, 58 They experience important changes and they have more difficulty to begin a good affective relationship with the child than the mothers that establish it after the childbirth.
An angry or emotional exchange with your spouse or children, or a thoughtless physical expression of frustration, can be used to color the judge's perception of your character.
You tweeted about having a very emotional exchange with Daniel [Kaluuya] upon hearing the news.
In a series of emotional exchanges with defense attorneys, Baxter seemed disgusted that more of the defendants hadn't chosen to admit guilt in exchange for leniency.

Not exact matches

Make sure nothing about your transactional exchanges with customers is wobbly before you reach for emotional loyalty.
The extraordinary public exchange with the president gave voice to an intensely emotional debate over how to respond to the latest gun massacre in an American school.
Sometimes this is explicit, in the exchange of harsh words; at other times it is implicit, evident not so much in what is said as in what is left unsaid --- for example, in the loss of those earlier notes of emotional, intellectual, and spiritual intimacy with his beloved sister Jemima.
For instance, when a baby cries, the need for a meal or a diaper change must be met with a shared emotional exchange that may include eye contact, smiling and caressing.
Lowcountry Parents of Multiples The purpose of the Lowcountry Parents of Multiples is to support awareness of and interest in children of multiple births; to participate in research pertaining to multiples and their families; to exchange ideas and information with parents and guardians of multiples throughout the Greater Charleston Area; to offer parents of multiples emotional support; and, to use its proceeds, as possible, to assist charitable organizations which aid multiples and their families.
In a 10 - minute exchange, Cuomo said his «friend» Clinton's loss made for an «emotional day,» but that he had already conducted a pleasant conversation with President - elect Donald Trump about his own plans to upgrade the state's transportation infrastructure.
Anderson deals with the resemblances head - on — the routine involving the kidnapped tycoon's wife is like a hyper - alert variant on the Lebowski method — but, as in that initial languid, multifaceted exchange between Doc and Shasta, Inherent Vice's emotional stakes are far higher and the snark quotient lower.
Wandering one night, Jake spots Mati and strikes up an exchange, which leads to a charged evening that gets played and replayed throughout the film, each time at slightly greater length and with a different emotional inflection.
A virtual training platform that is an easy to learn tool and allows training and emotional support for people, with opportunities for interaction and exchange with someone on the other side, with that «closeness» feel as a key element.
Dozens of times a day, people in schools negotiate interpersonal exchanges with others from diverse backgrounds, making schools a premier learning environment for social, emotional, and ethical learning.
Hero is filled with emotional drama and witty exchanges between the hero and heroine as they fight to ignore and resist the attraction that pulls them together.
Too often, these more vulnerable emotional experiences are lost in the cyclical exchanges we have with our partners.
One option for couples that find themselves in the middle of escalating negative exchanges is for one partner to talk to the other about seeking outside help as a couple to deal with the emotional problems.
The DeWitt's formed a partnership with a local ABC television station in Little Rock, Arkansas agreeing to produce news programming for parents on social and emotional issues in exchange for the station's commitment to broadcast the programs in regularly scheduled time - slots.
You may find yourself immediately thinking of certain moments to examine — exchanges you recently had with others which provoked an intense emotional reaction or were particularly confusing to you.
Many people may find that social exchange theory's kinship with economics and political philosophy to be too «mathematical» and lacking in some of the more subjective, emotional components of relationships (Fournier, 2016).
Through home visits, book exchanges, parenting groups and an emphasis on transition to school, Early Steps staff helps children with language, social and emotional development and equips parents and caregivers with the skills to successfully support children's growth.
For instance, when a baby cries, the need for a meal or a diaper change must be met with a shared emotional exchange that may include eye contact, smiling and caressing.
Young children must learn to send and receive emotional messages using their knowledge about emotions and their abilities to regulate emotions, so that they may successfully negotiate interpersonal exchanges, form relationships and maintain curiosity about and enthusiasm for their world.17 When they do so, they have more satisfying, successful relationships with others, especially in the new peer arena.18 b) EC is related to young children's early school success.
Work teams with high emotional awareness and strong management skills achieve more positive results because of improved ability to exchange information, problem - solve respectfully to make decisions and engage in productive conflict negotiation.
The presence of maternal psychological distress resulted associated with less optimal mother — child emotional exchanges, while the hypothesis regarding couple satisfaction and social support influence were not confirmed.
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