Sentences with phrase «emotional exchanges form»

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The exchange is more of a casual ice - breaker of sorts and not necessarily a genuine invitation to share any form of emotional depth.
The DeWitt's formed a partnership with a local ABC television station in Little Rock, Arkansas agreeing to produce news programming for parents on social and emotional issues in exchange for the station's commitment to broadcast the programs in regularly scheduled time - slots.
These advantages in health and quality of life are likely to accrue at least partially from the benefits that marriage can bring in the form of supportive exchanges between spouses, ongoing companionship, and emotional attachment (e.g., Allen, Blieszner, & Roberto, 2000; Bradbury, Fincham, & Beach, 2000; Xu & Burleson, 2004).
Young children must learn to send and receive emotional messages using their knowledge about emotions and their abilities to regulate emotions, so that they may successfully negotiate interpersonal exchanges, form relationships and maintain curiosity about and enthusiasm for their world.
Young children must learn to send and receive emotional messages using their knowledge about emotions and their abilities to regulate emotions, so that they may successfully negotiate interpersonal exchanges, form relationships and maintain curiosity about and enthusiasm for their world.17 When they do so, they have more satisfying, successful relationships with others, especially in the new peer arena.18 b) EC is related to young children's early school success.
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