Sentences with phrase «emotional excitement»

This past weekend was a roller coaster of emotional excitement as I released the third novel in my epic fantasy series.
While economically superior to traditional investing under any levels of desired risk, it will not provide emotional excitement.
There is little emotional excitement in following a well defined trading plan and one should be prepared to encounter actual boredom with the process.
Rather, it is to remind you that the next time you are tempted to buy into something that promises emotional excitement and rapid payoffs, to over-leverage yourself or take more risk than you should; consider, instead, looking to one of the 50 or 100 incredible businesses that are as close to sure long - term bets as anything in human civilization.
It is notoriously difficult to distinguish spiritual uplift from sheer emotional excitement.
Though carefully rendered from a historical perspective, this powerful account of female friendship and bonding under the most cruel conditions lacks the narrative focus and dramatic shapeliness to generate emotional excitement.
The Enhanced 2015 Infiniti Q60 Convertible Transforms Mechanical Power to Emotional Excitement with the Push of a Button.
Martinek Z, Horak F: Development of so - called «Genuine» Epileptic Seizures in Dogs During Emotional Excitement.
I reply at once that where the character, as something distinguished from the intellect, is concerned, the causes of human diversity lie chiefly in our differing susceptibilities of emotional excitement, and in the different impulses and inhibitions which these bring in their train.
That emotional excitement triggers the memory - enhancing cycle all over again, making the traumatic memory even stronger, like a spinning tire deepening the muck hole it's stuck in with each jab on the accelerator.
However, the degree of emotional excitement had no strong relationship to the perceived attractiveness.
Seeing someone so often does not allow you to take a break from all that emotional excitement and stimulation.
A cat in heat needs a lot of love, attention and activity to get rid of the emotional excitement that she is in.
«I'm indirectly able to touch their emotional excitement,» Atsuo said.
Con artists and scammers know exactly what buttons to push and will take advantage of naivete or emotional excitement to make one act in ways contrary to their own best interests.
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