Sentences with phrase «emotional factors -lsb-»

The quiz allows house hunters to take a different approach, by acknowledging and addressing the psychological and emotional factors of a home purchase, she says.
«Haunted properties fall within the category of stigmatized properties, or real estate that is not defective in any physical manner, but due to psychological or emotional factors may have a reduced value.
Positive psychology emphasizes positive emotions, character strengths, and constructive institutions to promote the notion that happiness is derived from various mental and emotional factors.
It is also important to combine these variables in the same study so as to expand our knowledge about the role of socio - emotional factors in the etiology and maintenance of anxiety disorders in childhood.
Based on this, as well as other studies and theoretical concepts, a socio - emotional framework was proposed, outlining hypotheses regarding the pathways connecting the various socio - emotional factors to each other, as well as anxiety in children.
About Blog The focus is upon the educational development of individual children, their skills and abilities, and the social and emotional factors which affect their learning process in the classroom.
The proposed framework is to be regarded as the beginnings of a conceptualization of the relevant socio - emotional factors and their relation to each other, as well as to child anxiety.
This approach may also involve taking into account personality & emotional factors that are specific to the client.
This approach may also involve taking into account personality & emotional factors that are specific to each of the clients.
Delays in the divorce process are often caused by emotional factors.
Discussion focused on understanding the value of these fathers» emotional factors and their children's characteristics for well - adjusted functioning.
Social and emotional factors that were hypothesized to be related to aggressive behavioral outcomes were also assessed using the Language Independent Measure of Communicative Confidence (LIMCC), Meadow - Kendall Social - Emotional Assessment Inventory, Piers Harris Self - Concept Scale, Problem - Solving Measure for Conflict (PSM - C).
Abstract: While it has long been known that emotional factors can influence the experience of pain, imaging studies analyzing the neuronal basis of this effect particularly for visceral stimuli remain scarce.
In his book, Deadly Emotions, Don Colbert, M.D. explains that «The body can not differentiate between stress that physical factors cause and stress that emotional factors -LSB-...]
Research has shown that children's learning is influenced by a range of social and emotional factors.
As with CP, parties going through divorce Mediation may opt to see a therapist separately to help them cope with various emotional factors, but the couple may also choose to work together with a therapist who serves neutrally as a coach, much the same way that they do in Collaborative cases.
Focus is also placed on the individual emotional factors that can play into these issues.
The practicalities of proceeding with or terminating a pregnancy need to be balanced with these emotional factors to ensure the right decision is made.
In addition to testing for learning disabilities, giftedness and school readiness, I am also a psychotherapist using mainly cognitive behavior therapy (CBT) techniques which puts me in a unique position to assess whether academic difficulties are due to a learning disability, emotional factors or cognitive (thought distortions) that get in the way of efficient learning.
Behavior is often a major indicator of mental health, and a person's behavior may be heavily influenced by physiological, social, cognitive, and emotional factors.
The presence of personal animosity between legal practitioners involved in a matter may cause their judgment to be clouded by emotional factors and hinder the proper resolution of the matter.
c) With the Ross result in hand, you will be seeking to impose a logical application of facts and principals upon a process which is largely focused on illogical political and emotional factors — likely leaving Ross to blow a few microchips like Family Lawyer PTSD
Written for the legal professional audience, this blog covers the soft skills and emotional factors that inevitably impact work life.
Emotional factors such as: the accident causing you pain and suffering, your inability to engage in your favorite activities like sports or painting, or the negative impact your injuries have on your spouse and children should all be included in determining a fair offer.
For example, commentary two of rule 7.2 - 1 cautions against lawyers having their judgment «clouded by emotional factors
While what follows might not make much sense, according to recent research commissioned by FindLaw, it's something that lawyers need to be aware of, and act upon: When considering an attorney, most consumers hold interpersonal and emotional factors just as highly as degrees and experience.
Fueled by emotional factors such as worries over money or even jail time, they have a strong urge to find an attorney as soon as possible.
In this webcast, you'll learn techniques that can help you capitalize on the emotional factors that motivate website visitors to take action.
During the 45 - minute webcast, you'll learn techniques to help you capitalize on the emotional factors that motivate website visitors to take action.
Among the winners were Andrew James Stewart of New South Wales, Australia, who developed a technique to improve the effectiveness of constructed wetlands, Abdiel Jose Ortiz of Cayey, Puerto Rico, who looked at the effects of earthworm - produced humus on coffee plants, and Allison Erica Dender of Plainview, New York, who studied the cognitive and emotional factors that make a person likely to use alternative energy.
We are holistic veterinarians in that our approach to medical care emphasizes all aspects of your pet's health including physical, environmental, nutritional, and emotional factors.
Lastly, since emotional factors are so very important in this problem, any anxieties, boredom, etc. need to be addressed and reduced.
Don't adopt or get a pet based on impulse for emotional factors, feeling sorry for the dog or guilty.
The main reasons for closing out a credit card are usually personal, having to do with self - discipline and emotional factors.
In addition to these emotional factors, cognitive factors can also contribute to the credit card premium.
The sell decision a little less so — probably due in part to emotional factors.
The case for prioritizing debt repayment over savings can be made based purely on emotional factors alone.
In addition to finding a place to live, there are many financial, practical and emotional factors to consider before downsizing your home.
For instance, emotional factors may come into play, such as feeling secure about not having to pay a mortgage payment every... Continue Reading
Binary Option Robot eliminates all the emotional factors at play and ensures the best possible trading.
For instance, emotional factors may come into play, such as feeling secure about not having to pay a mortgage payment every month.
Starting this fall, the CORE districts — a nine - district collaborative including Los Angeles, Fresno, Long Beach and San Francisco — will include results of their own student surveys as part of their school index covering social and emotional factors in learning.
«The CORE Districts are the first in the nation to include the measurement of social and emotional factors in a system of school improvement and accountability — our School Quality Improvement Index.
The Montgomery County Public Schools in Maryland survey both students and teachers on social and emotional factors and use the results to guide internal decision - making.
The results show a general correlation between schools that had high academic achievement and schools with high scores for school culture - climate / social - emotional factors.
Both schools took seriously the research indicating that social - emotional factors are among those that influence student learning most, and that students with good social skills and emotional awareness achieve more.
Success Highways Resiliency Assessments enable educators to identify social - emotional factors that affect student performance
By the time this data is captured, it's often too late to reverse trends and prescribed interventions are often ineffective because they do not address the underlying social and emotional factors that are contributing to the problems.
But we also know that the way our students feel about school, along with their confidence, resilience and a host of other socio - emotional factors, strongly influences their success as well.
The curriculum explores holistic approaches to school counseling and considers the socio - emotional factors that contribute to academic success.
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