Sentences with phrase «emotional factors contribute»

In order to lose weight more effectively and permanently you also need to learn how stress, depression, existential fears and other negative psycho - emotional factors contribute to the development of obesity and how to successfully cope with them.
Ashley Weber is a Naturopathic Doctor who seeks to gain insight into the physical and emotional factors contributing to her patients» health.

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Some of the other mothers also talked about additional contributing factors, such as the stress caused by unsolicited advice, feeling trapped with family members who are insensitive to the emotional needs of a new mother, or struggling with loneliness or past history of depression as a new mother.
Other factors that contribute to the development of PPD include the physical exhaustion after giving birth, the emotional adjustment of becoming a parent, and sleep deprivation.
The most significant factors contributing to the mother's decision to initiate breastfeeding included infant's health, naturalness, and emotional bonding (Fig 2).
They review theory and research that specify psychological factors that contribute to and perpetuate intergroup violence through emotional responses and belief systems fostered by conflict.
The factor analysis revealed two factors contributing to the multiple experience dimensions: common threat and impact communication, and negative emotional responses.
This research - dedicated Center is increasing our fundamental knowledge of factors that contribute to disability, such as cognitive fatigue, spatial neglect, and disorders of emotional processing, executive function and processing speed.
There are other factors which contribute to adrenal fatigue such as, emotional issues, poor sleep habits and the overuse of wireless technology but, these herbs and food tips will go a long way to improving your health.
Emotional factors, such as grief or stress, can contribute to obesity by the use of food as a coping mechanism.
Some of the basic lifestyle factors that contribute to leaky gut include chronic alcohol consumption, chronic smoking, intense exercise, lack of sleep, and overuse of medications like antibiotics, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), and proton - pump inhibitors (PPIs).4 However, one of the major contributors to overall gut dysfunction is stress.1, 5 Whether it's mental, physical, or emotional, too much stress can have detrimental effects on your health.
Now that I know I control at least 40 % of how I feel, and I know the 8 factors that contribute to emotional and mental stability,...
Chronic or persistent pain is both an emotional and sensory experience with many contributing factors.
Additionally, emotional and physical stress are also known to be contributing factors to the development of IBS, with a disturbance of gut bacteria being a likely factor.
mammography), and those merely «suspected» or probable contributing agents including nutritional, emotional, spiritual factors, cellular oxygen deprivation, fungal pathogens, lymphatic restriction, geopathic stress, viruses, fluorescent lighting, toxic chemicals & pesticides, parasites, aspartame, cell phones, lack (or blockages) of «life force energy» etc..
The «Other Factors» column is for recording things such as stress or emotional upset that might also be contributing to your symptoms.
The scan takes just seconds and reads over 150 factors that contribute to your health, including nutritional, emotional, and environmental issues.
One of the most common contributing factors to heart disease is unresolved emotional stress.
Other factors that contribute to great sexual interaction include physical, spiritual, mental / psychological, and emotional connection (which each includes subsets of even more facets).
Education with self awareness, cultural values, and morality is the single most important factor contributing to young people's chances of leading productive and responsible lives for the emotional, mental, spiritual and physical well being.
The curriculum explores holistic approaches to school counseling and considers the socio - emotional factors that contribute to academic success.
At Unity Charter School, we understand the importance of social and emotional learning for the student's wellbeing and as an important factor in contributing to a student's confidence and success as a learner and as an active member of the school community.
By the time this data is captured, it's often too late to reverse trends and prescribed interventions are often ineffective because they do not address the underlying social and emotional factors that are contributing to the problems.
But Finke believes there's also a psychological or emotional factor that contributes to this aversion to spend.
There are many factors that can contribute to and induce emotional trading, and emotional trading is the reason why so many traders lose money in the markets.
The aging process affects everyone differently, and physical health, emotional health, stress and genetics are all contributing factors.
In addition to these emotional factors, cognitive factors can also contribute to the credit card premium.
Geraldine Morris, head of LexisPSL Family, says: «It can be very difficult to predict the final amount of costs in a family case — many unforeseeable factors can contribute including an emotional client who needs a lot of hand - holding, or a difficult spouse who refuses to co-operate or provide proper disclosure.
A number of factors contribute to an emotional affair.
Highlighted and discussed are the many factors at the level of the pediatric practice, health system, and society contributing to these behavioral and emotional problems.
The child's intellectual and emotional maturity is another factor contributing to the development of the disorder.
A family's culture and the family's socioeconomic status are also key factors, plus whether the boy has siblings or not, if other traumas exist and whether emotional support exists for the boys are contributing to boys» responses to divorce, as well.
Plausible, potential candidates for other contributing factors described above include: improved social and communication skills; emotional regulation and control of emotional expression; and increased empathy.
By making use of varying modes of presentation including handouts, small group discussions, visuals, power points, and videos, the session stays vibrant and fresh as important concepts are covered in - depth, including: contributing factors to challenging behavior; who challenges you and why; your own emotional reactions to behavior; why children engage in challenging behavior; reflective tools and techniques; and how t implement these practices successfully in the «real world.»
At Unity Charter School, we understand the importance of social and emotional learning for the student's wellbeing and as an important factor in contributing to a student's confidence and success as a learner and as an active member of the school community.
A rise in social, emotional and behavioral interventions in Easton schools has caught the attention of Board of Education members, and they're discussing the factors contributing to student stress at the elementary and middle school level.
There are many different factors that can contribute to these changes and it's important for all couples to remember that consistent emotional closeness is an illusion and your expectations should reflect this reality.
Although challenging behavior can occur in any classroom, research indicates that some children in urban communities experience conditions that contribute to risk factors for social and emotional delays (Fox, Dunlap, & Powell 2002).
Physical, sexual and emotional abuse can also be contributing factors to the development of conduct disorder.
Another contributing factor to the putative relationship between attachment insecurity and lower levels of mindfulness may be attentional control, which can be thought of as the general capacity to regulate attention in relation to positive as well as negative emotional processes (Derryberry & Reed, 2002).
The strongest potentially modifiable risk factor contributing to the development of behavioural and emotional problems in children is the quality of parenting a child receives.
In making an equitable apportionment of marital property, the family court must give weight in such proportion as it finds appropriate to all of the following factors: (1) the duration of the marriage along with the ages of the parties at the time of the marriage and at the time of the divorce; (2) marital misconduct or fault of either or both parties, if the misconduct affects or has affected the economic circumstances of the parties or contributed to the breakup of the marriage; (3) the value of the marital property and the contribution of each spouse to the acquisition, preservation, depreciation, or appreciation in value of the marital property, including the contribution of the spouse as homemaker; (4) the income of each spouse, the earning potential of each spouse, and the opportunity for future acquisition of capital assets; (5) the health, both physical and emotional, of each spouse; (6) either spouse's need for additional training or education in order to achieve that spouse's income potential; (7) the non marital property of each spouse; (8) the existence or nonexistence of vested retirement benefits for each or either spouse; (9) whether separate maintenance or alimony has been awarded; (10) the desirability of awarding the family home as part of equitable distribution or the right to live therein for reasonable periods to the spouse having custody of any children; (11) the tax consequences to each or either party as a result of equitable apportionment; (12) the existence and extent of any prior support obligations; (13) liens and any other encumbrances upon the marital property and any other existing debts; (14) child custody arrangements and obligations at the time of the entry of the order; and (15) such other relevant factors as the trial court shall expressly enumerate in its order.
This data set allowed us to address longitudinal research questions, employ a comparison group, expand sexual distress outcomes beyond frequency and specific sexual symptoms (e.g., ED), and consider a broad array of contributing factors because it includes a myriad of physical, social, emotional, and contextual variables.
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