Sentences with phrase «emotional force of»

On the other hand if visuals will get in the way or remove the emotional force of the story then rely on traditional advocacy.
In awarding the Prize to Gillian Wearing the jury praised the emotional force of her work and its complexity beneath an apparently simple surface.
Important for their scale, the visitor will appreciate the emotional force of the drawing.
This is a deeply compassionate story made more poignant for its unadorned simplicity, with an ending that lands with the emotional force of a Horace Hopper one - two punch.»
April in Paris is one of those rare books in which the emotional force of the love story is matched by page - turning suspense.
According to audio columnist Sukey Howard, Richard North Patterson's courtroom scenes, «with their edgy retorts and rebuttals, showcase the immediacy and emotional force of a good audio performance.»
My mistake was in underestimating the emotional force of a song you have already hear a thousand times.
It's a nice tease for the emotional force of the film, but it also suggests a distinct problem in terms of award: How do you pick just one of these actors to receive praise for a film that deserves quite a bit more of that very thing?
Of course, the emotional force of the song, and the chorus» dual message, indicate that this lover is not able to say that about his love for her with any conviction, and perhaps never will.

Not exact matches

She has created online experiences for some of the world's largest companies with her driving force being an emotional connection.
Those most at risk in our province are our youth aged 16 to 24 who have fled physical, emotional and / or sexual abuse; those who have been forced from their homes; and those who have aged out of foster care.
«They are the most powerful emotional force in American politics,» said Bruce Buchanan, a professor of government at the University of Texas at Austin, «but they're disorganized and have no long - term strategy.»
He wastes huge amounts of time on pointless activities, suffers emotional harm under a bizarre worldview that accuses him of being inherently evil, and feels forced to throw away significant amounts of money to fund the perpetuation of the belief system his is enslaved by.
«Even the dim apprehension of some great principle is apt to clothe itself with tremendous emotional force
«We prayed there would be no life threatening injuries, we prayed for the mental and emotional wellbeing of those that were there and we prayed for our forces, especially that they'd be helped to bring the perpetrators to justice.»
Since Tom Wolfe stated that «the Third Great Awakening» was the motive force behind the «Me Decade,» critics on the left have accused the growing evangelical sector of the church of self - centered emotional navel - gazing and the vending of opiates for social concern.
Forcing people to give up their control of you by owning the right to think and speak and follow your own ideas and thoughts and questions — inspite all manner of emotional bullying — is a damned hard row to hoe.
Both are irrational... religion, which is force fed to Americans from childhood, creates the mental / emotional conditions for other irrationalities like fear and hatred of people who are different in some way.
Force, in any of its various forms, is decidedly anti-social, for Whitehead.7 Thus rooted in human emotional and instinctive experience, human social relations are not principally rational or artificially instituted, but instead are founded on natural feelings of accommodation and mutual beneficence.
«I tried fighting him off, while yelling at him to stop, but instead of stopping, he began squeezing my neck, attempting to force my head onto his crotch,» Ms. Nelson said, growing emotional as she described the assault, which she said happened one night after her shift ended at a local restaurant, where she was a waitress.
The Underground Man is a wonderful invention, and we would be poorer without him; but, as a fictional personality, he is only a vast collection of antic gestures, a tour de force of contradictions, and the nearer his wild emotional and intellectual oscillations approach a state of absolute incoherence, the more we are persuaded that he is a genuine psychological «type,» whose mysteries Dostoevsky has disclosed to us.
All real, stabilising bonding depends on the conversion of our confusing emotional forces.
Our modern situation seems to indicate quite clearly that the more modern man stresses the integrity and uniqueness of selfhood, the more he facilitates the operation of those psychic forces which tend to undermine mental and emotional stability.
Family means blood ties or very close emotional ties that one person feels to another.So you can experience «family» outside of your immediate small group whom you live with but I don't think it can be forced.
The selectiveness of individual experience is moral so far as it conforms to the balance of importance disclosed in the rational vision; arid conversely the conversion of the intellectual insight into an emotional force corrects the sensitive experience in the direction of morality.
The tragedy sliced to the heart of Laramie with no less emotional force than the gay - bashing murder of Wyoming freshman Matthew Shepard in 1998.
The same scenario has now played itself out in this case of Szczsney getting forced out of Arsenal by Le Prof, for emotional reason maybe?
And, in fact, one of the chief insights that the neurobiological research provides is that the behavior of young people, especially young people who have experienced significant adversity, is often under the sway of emotional and psychological and hormonal forces within them that are far from rational.
Young people are often under the sway of emotional and psychological forces that are far from rational.
They open the door to a deeper conversation about values, human nature and the fragility of eros, and force us to grapple with some of the most unsettling questions: How do we negotiate the elusive balance between our emotional and our erotic needs?
Taking account of the impact of traumatic separations and / or violence and forced migration on the emotional well - being of refugee and asylum seeking families
When parents experience their first born, there is so much going on in terms of emotional and physical health, not to mention fatigue, and when the nurses stand over your wife forcing the child's face into her breast you just assume nature will take it's course.
(Based on my experience with him, I always thought people who «forced» their babies to cry were heartless and selfish, and would pay for it with children with a myriad of emotional problems.)
For the younger adoptee, it is easy to internalize the anguish of knowing that two mothers (or two sets of parents) have a claim on you and to feel some emotional tug - of - war as a result, but this is common among children of divorce as well, and nobody would force a child to live with one parent while denying the existence of the other.
It has come about because of the other pervasive idea that a baby should be trained early to become independent, by forcing them to be alone, and that it is OK to provide for physical needs, but emotional needs somehow don't matter or are non-existent.
Without flexible scheduling and a clean sanitary place to express milk, Jennifer felt forced out of work and decided to sue her former employer for the physical pain she endured and emotional distress.
So if you we have an emergency C - section, although we have the mother usually going into labor on her own, and so we have the hormonal response of being into labor, the baby has been exposed to the natural forces during the birthing process for the most part, but with the emergency C - section we usually have a very strong emotional reaction and the emotional side of things doesn't get talked about a lot, but I think it's a very important aspect.
First he delivered an emotional defence of trade unionism as a civilising force which has been simply unheard of at a Labour leader's speech for a generation.
The CDD also advised that the security forces should be proactive in curtailing the excesses of the group but warned that excessive force should not be deployed in case of any skirmishes arising during the election, adding that the Operation Python Dance 11 has elicited so much pain and emotional anguish within the South East Region.
Officers of the Ghana Armed Forces bade an emotional farewell to Major Maxwell Adam Mahama on Friday as the slain soldier was laid to rest.
Victims of forced marriages and so - called «honour» violence can now access emotional and practical support via a dedicated helpline.
I know that those who carelessly condemn him in public, clandestinely go back to heal wounds knowing what the man represents, his affability, readiness to listen and reluctance to get emotional easily no wonder after years of intense condemnation, Prof Martey openly praised him for his humility and assured him of his constant prayers to succeed.In our bid to get our parties to office, we must also consider the safety of our nation and the cohesion we've enjoyed so far.I don't think the Npp in its current state can manage its internal issues if elected into office let alone manage the nation.Our democracy shouldn't be toyed with in the name of political extremism and unworkable promises.We don't need a leader who will establish himself by intimidation and force, who will choose henchmen around himself, create secret police and abandoned all pretence of consulting the wishes of the masses but will only expect regimented YES from us on all national issues like we seeing in the Npp today.
The 2004 University of California, Berkeley, Graduate Student Mental Health Survey, from the Berkeley Graduate and Professional Schools Mental Health Task Force, concluded: «Almost half of all graduate students participating in this survey reported an emotional or stress - related problem that significantly affected their well - being and / or academic performance in the last twelve months.»
But war is rarely so simple, and distance does nothing to numb the emotional impact of taking a life, said Slim (who is referred to here by his Air Force call sign in order to protect his identity).
Half the respondents were asked to check off whether the emotional or sexual aspect of infidelity was the most upsetting to them in four different infidelity scenarios — a so - called «forced choice» paradigm.
For universities, faculty scientists now are only a means to the end of increasing their profits (see: «Money now is Everything in Scientific Research at Universities»); the science faculty presently is forced to spend too much time and emotional energy on trying to acquire more research grant awards, instead of actually doing experiments to produce more new results.
The word stress refers to the body's physical and emotional response to a demand that forces a person out of their comfort zone.
My experience with anxiety has been one of extreme emotional ups and downs, but sometimes the most painful experiences in life are the ones that force...
We aim to treat the whole person, using the least - force therapies necessary, and taking into account all the mental, emotional, physical, social, and environmental aspects of health.
While, individually, we have responsibility to improve our own wellness, most people are significantly influenced by social forces in the form of fitness trends, advertisements, food costs and availability and, of particular concern, physical, biochemical and mental - emotional stress brought on by life in modern society — life increasingly characterized by existence in Max Weber's steel shell.
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