Sentences with phrase «emotional frustration»

Excessive crying is one of many ways that people deal with emotional frustration, so this process may explain why your boyfriend cries so frequently.
This developments marks one of several occasions in which Zvyagintsev presents only hints of a situation as it unfolds, drawing out the perception that each of his protagonists is trapped by their own emotional frustrations.
Hitler's ascent to power took place thanks to this wave of emotional frustration over Germany's position in the world.The advent of neuroscience has slowly revealed new potential avenues to understand and decrypt the mysteries of the human brain, which is the seat of our emotions and our morality.
Physically, she is a work of art, which is used by director King to display the creative inadequacy of Allan along with the emotional frustration of Zach.
Two people can fail so miserably at romance can still find love for one another, though their emotional frustrations prevent them from being able to break through.
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