Sentences with phrase «emotional hook»

Having a persistent cast to get to know and care about gives a significant emotional hook to a game.
That street - corner evangelist snared people with one of the strongest emotional hooks of all — survival — when he asked, «Brother, are you saved?»
Viral content uses a strong emotional hook to encourage hyper - accelerated sharing.
Actually, think Shaun of the Dead, because DR2's creative splatter comedy is tempered by a strange mix of genuine emotional hooks (via Chuck's relationship with his ailing daughter) and schlocky exploitation (via some grim events and forthright breasts).
The addition of a son for DiCaprio's character in the film (not true in real life) is going to be a very important emotional hook for viewers... and Oscar voters.
But Impression also carries a big emotional hook, too; simply put, the Mondopad is just cool.
Arrival, with its damply autumnal cinematography and lovely but unforced emotional hooks, feels like the real resurgence.
Watching the first trailer for Get Him to the Greek, it doesn't seem to have the same emotional hook or quality of supporting cast as Forgetting Sarah Marshall, but I guess that's to expected for a spin - off.
If both individuals are willing, divorce counseling aimed at learning communication skills can be very helpful for untangling the old emotional hooks and learning effective ways to co-parent, for your child's sake.
The first film was a love story, and this movie needed a real genuine emotional hook
However, watching Reijseger play never provided enough of a narrative or emotional hook for me to generate a genuine relationship with him or his musical response to Segers.
An honest anecdote serves as an emotional hook.
Corbijn isn't making a stereotypical Hollywood thriller, with the stakes spelled out in neon and the loud fight scenes spaced every few minutes, but he doesn't seem to realize there is such a thing as being too vague, and in his efforts to make some kind of art - house / thriller hybrid, he goes too far the other direction and creates a nicely rendered film with no emotional hook.
While she has potential as a foil, there's not enough of her to keep us hooked, not to mention the lack of the emotional hook that we had with Kilgrave in Season 1.
You can see the pen strokes in the writing and anticipate every «emotional hook» due to the on - the - nose writing.
While those two fundamentals certainly help to make a memorable movie, they should also have an emotional hook, something to ground the viscera and to help you connect to what's going on.
Even then, the emotional hook is pretty scant â $ «as if someone took a pair of scissors to the final edit and nipped out half the dialogue.
The heart of the story is the Bobby - Chris romance: Wahlberg has a wonderfully natural screen presence, and his scenes with Lane give the audience an emotional hook.
«The emotional hook that historic places have can generate enthusiasm and curiosity — both of which are keys to learning.
Working in groups often provides an emotional hook that makes the learning experience more meaningful and memorable for students.
The title should emphasize the emotional hook.
There's lots that go into the critical book cover design — colors, fonts, placement and yes, emotional hook — but not the author's... it's the book buyer's.
In fact, they went a step ahead and used some emotional hooks such as child, retirement, etc..
For me, and again I must reiterate that I don't mean to disperse my mental state as an objective, the emotional hook that defines wonderment is dimmed with age.
Hook them from the start: Start off on the right foot with an emotional hook, which can be introduced through a powerful story, interesting anecdote, different perspective, surprising stat, etc..
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