Sentences with phrase «emotional illnesses led»

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These symptoms of «baby blues» are not an illness; however, in some cases they can represent early signs of an imminent episode of depression: in 13 percent of mothers, the emotional turmoil experienced after childbirth leads to the development of a full - blown postpartum depression.
These symptoms of «baby blues» are not an illness; however, in some cases they can represent early signs of an imminent episode of depression: in 13 percent of mothers, the emotional turmoil experienced after childbirth leads to the development of a full - blown postpartum depression.
Patients such as Katie (or their parents) may find themselves in a dilemma: The drug that keeps their debilitating mental illness at bay might cause their weight to balloon, potentially leading to emotional distress and serious medical problems that have little to do with their original diagnosis.
[12:50]-- A treatment with an integrative doctor that cost well over $ 200, 000... [17:25]-- How removing a 20 cm cyst on Jennifers liver led to huge improvements in her health and resolved the Mast Cell Activation Syndrome [21:53]-- The next health event that led to a complete and utter breakdown on all levels [25:45]-- How Jen started to unravel the complicated health picture that had developed as a result of many years of sickness and drug therapy [27:18]-- The importance of addressing physical stressors while working on the emotional / spiritual plane [33:45]-- The stress chronic illness can put on a relationship [38:15]-- The philosophy that Jennifer's father passed on to her that has become the underpinning of her life and practice.
This delight leads to tragedy (see: the predictable holiday on the beach scene, where Annie cavorts without properly warm clothing, apparently leading to her illness, a scene that is collapsed into parents» feelings of overwhelming guilt), a logic that is profoundly emotional, and hard to reconcile with religious faith (Innes offers up the explanation that «God works in mysterious ways»).
Stress itself leads to an increased risk of illness or death, but instead the permanent changes in a person's physiological, emotional, and behavioural responses that are the most likely cause.
Just like physical health can not be taken for granted but rather requires self - care lest illness and death make an early physical end to life, emotional health of a marriage partnership can not be taken for granted, must be nurtured, and if ignored can lead to the death of the marriage.
Specifically, the ACE Study model relies strongly on the idea that adverse childhood experiences create a burden of psychological stress that changes behavior, cognitions, emotions, and physical functions in ways that promote subsequent health problems and illness.22 Among the hypothesized pathways, adverse childhood experiences lead to depression and posttraumatic stress disorder, which in turn can lead to substance abuse, sleep disorders, inactivity, immunosuppression, inflammatory responses, and inconsistent health care use, possibly leading to other medical conditions later in life.23, 24 Therefore, childhood behavioral and emotional symptoms very likely represent a crucial mediator linking adverse childhood experiences and the longer term health - related problems found in the ACE substudies.
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