Sentences with phrase «emotional memory network»

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The brain scans also showed that the A allele was associated with increased activity in the lateral and medial prefrontal cortex, regions that belong to a network involved in the encoding of emotional memories.
Several structures located deep within the brain, such as the hippocampus (responsible for the formation and storage of memories) and the thalamus (involved in the regulation of sensory perception), comprise the limbic system, a complex network that controls our emotional responses, survival instincts, memory creation, and memory retrieval.
Other meditation techniques classified as nondirective are the Relaxation Response and Transcendental Meditation ® according to the research report «Nondirective Meditation Activates Default Mode Network and Areas Associated with Memory Retrieval and Emotional Processing» in Frontiers in Human Neuroscience; 2014: 8:86.
EMDR treatment is based on the neuroscience of the brain and uses the technique of alternating bilateral stimulation to process through memory networks and release the emotional charge associated with distressing thoughts, memories and blocks.
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