Sentences with phrase «emotional notes»

It certainly hits the right emotional notes right from the off.
At his best, he can strike more emotional notes from silence than most directors can with a full chorus of sound.
The film ends on a remarkably touching emotional note.
Do not take to heart too emotional notes, when such happen.
The film gradually goes soap opera without, somehow, hitting a single truly emotional note.
How did you two find which emotional notes you wanted it to hit?
The trailer hit several different emotional notes in terms of the narrative used by director Patty Jenkins, indicating along the way that it could well be Warner Bros» most balanced DC Films outing to date in terms of character depth, humor and, of course, over-the-top action.
The 21 - year - old Irish - American actress doesn't hit a false emotional note, contrasting the naivete of her heroine's early days away from home with the self - assurance of an immigrant, who finally realises that she belongs.
A United Kingdom hits all of the necessary emotional notes and political intrigue of a solid historical figure drama.
Bale and Gosling are standouts while Steve Carell as Mark Baum lends a few emotional notes in the vortex of financial disaster.
He hits the appropriate emotional notes, but with understatement and while sacrificing substantial screentime to his Somali captors.
His take on the complications in Dade's life is sophisticated and thoughtful, especially on the ambiguities of that «relationship» with Pablo, while his limning of the growing friendship with Alex is deeply satisfying, never striking a discordant emotional note.
Industry - standard matchmaking bolsters the multiplayer, and the story — told from different perspectives of clashing heroes in this game — manages to hit some stinging emotional notes.
«Overall, I think at impact they have a colorful and playful read, while still maintaining some of the heavier emotional notes from my previous works.»
Like a slapstick comedian, he strikes emotional notes of humor and pathos in equal measures, alternating between moments of antic joy and Sisyphean futility.
Kung Fu Panda 2 isn't as gawkily great as the first film, but it still hits all the right emotional notes and will provide you with a beautiful palate of truly kickass action sequences.
With scenes of absolute beauty, visceral brutality, and touching emotional notes, Primal does some interesting things and ultimately proves itself a valid and welcome offshoot to the series.
Connor's comments added an emotional note to a news conference by Republican mayoral candidate Nicole Malliotakis.
How to do it: To hone your mindfulness skills, start keeping a food journal to record not just what and how much you eat, but also your degrees of hunger and fullness before and after meals, as well as any emotional notes, such as craving something crunchy because you feel angry, or wanting to eat while watching TV.
You'd think that someone making the movie (which now includes creative consultant and executive producer Guillermo del Toro) would have followed that advice and let the movie breathe a little bit, especially when they're trying to hit those emotional notes.
A fair question rendered rote when the titular battle arrives failing to dish out the emotional notes that previous build up promises.
It's not perfect by any stretch, but it marries puzzles with plot, hitting the emotional notes perfectly.
The film hits the right emotional notes, is well - paced, and avoids the over-sentimental while being moving.
The moment in which Arlo and the pre-verbal Spot try to explain to one another the fates of their respective families hits its emotional notes precisely.
However, as Swanberg's work has proven time and time again, when Easy finds the right emotional note, it hits it in a way that's heart - achingly beautiful.
[return][return] This book hits all the right emotional notes.
I understand what they are trying to do but their relationship just doesn't hit that emotional note for me.
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