Sentences with phrase «emotional pain of»

It is unrealistic to think that you will get over the emotional pain of your divorce in a matter of days, weeks, or even months.
Addictions kill the physical and emotional pain of ordinary life.
Let him or her have time to deal with the emotional pain of the breakup.
BY: JAMES PROSEK The Day My Mother Left expresses the trials of a nine year old boy dealing with the emotional pain of his parent's divorce.
Holly Woods, Ph.D. helps people whose lives are affected by the emotional pain of trauma from their past and who want to find the courage to face it and move forward.
Becoming the departing of the Dissolved Duo is one way to disengage from the emotional pain of divorce, but the price that the child pays in being abandoned is huge.
My goal is to help lesson the emotional pain of my clients, and to help them make changes towards the life they really want to have.»
The emotional pain of surviving divorce is great and the financial pain may be worse because you have so little time to rebuild your assets.
The emotional pain of surviving divorce is great and the financial pain may be worse because you have so little time...
You both work through the emotional pain of the loss and remind each other of better times.
Loss of consortium may include present and future sexual disability, as well as the emotional pain of divorce if your injuries caused the relationship to dissolve.
Medical expenses, loss of income and future doctor visits can add to the burden that comes with the physical and emotional pain of electrical injuries.
At the law firm of Barbara E. Hecht, P.C., we understand the emotional pain of family violence and we are here to help.
While money would not take away the emotional pain of being involved in such a tragedy, compensation can lighten the financial burden that is an inevitable reality of any accident.
Regardless of the severity of your injury, you should not be required to incur the financial cost and emotional pain of a car accident alone.
Although the central mass still references the emotional pain of the Black Paintings, the hints of verdant green and shimmery yellow suggest something else as well: the influence of a summer day or, perhaps, feelings of hope after a period of intense loss.
Send a friend an E-Sympathy Pet Card to let them know you care and understand the emotional pain of their loss.
Many people now regard their pets as another member of the family and vets must strive to provide all possible treatment options and outlooks whilst being acutely aware of the changing role of the pet in the family and emotional pain of pet bereavement.»
What's more, theoretical buy - n - holders shift to panicky sellers when the emotional pain of severe losses overwhelm them.
Investors are more sensitive to losses than they are to investment gains, which leads them to sell holdings prematurely in an attempt to stem the emotional pain of a temporary financial loss.
On the S&P 500 chart, such timing maneuvers — while ultimately counterproductive from a pure profit standpoint (because the investor is buying in at about a 12 % higher price than where he or she sold)-- could almost be understood, given they would have spared an investor the emotional pain of the bear market.
True, they would have avoided the emotional pain of temporarily losing roughly 25 % of their balance during the bear market.
Marina is still feeling the emotional pain of losing her partner, but adding to her anxiety is another type of burden.
These authors are now feeling the financial and emotional pain of struggling to make ends meet.
When given the opportunity, Pacino displays the emotional pain of the tragic loner with such palpable nuance; it is a tragedy in itself that this lack of emotional exploration into Pacino's character, concealed behind the overuse of Lennon's soundtrack, becomes a wasted opportunity and severe oversight by Fogelman.
Some of that zip does begin to erode during the film's draggy second half, which contains moments of seriousness between the two friends when the emotional pain of their mutual agreement begins to bubble up to the surface.
The accident strains the relationship because of the constant physical pain Valeria is in due to her legs being all but severed in the crash, and then the emotional pain of losing her dog into a hole in the floor caused by the lack of needed repairs.
In heterosexual relationships, the foremost study into the differences in how each gender deals with heartbreak comes from researchers at Binghamton University, who pried open the personal lives of 6,000 participants across 96 countries by asking them to rate the emotional pain of their last break up.
Yet from my (a man's) point of view, the emotional pain of miscarriage is incredibly acute.
The truth is that the emotional pain of the parent is far worse than any physical pain felt by the child during the inoculation or dental visit.
The emotional pain of adoptees is well documented.
The emotional pain of longer - term miscarriages, and the untold numbers of mothers and fathers who keep silent about their hurt, make this form of child loss especially cruel.
For some women, the physical and emotional pain of breastfeeding is so not worth it.
A hangover period following a binge may present a «little bottom» — i.e., a state of emotional receptivity during which the alcoholic's defenses against recognizing his need for help are temporarily cracked by the physical and emotional pain of the experience.
Jesus foreshadowed the emotional pain of a loss even though you may «know» someone is in Heaven with the story about Lazarus and his sisters; being the one who set the ball in motion for Jesus» crucifixion wore heavily on Judas (if their beliefs were correct, he still had to do with the physical loss of Jesus; had they been wrong about the «divinity» of Jesus, he helped get his friend killed).

Not exact matches

In August 2013, after working in corporate America for 6 years, Ebonie decided that in order to truly walk in her passion of helping start - ups and small businesses be successful, she needed to subject herself to the emotional and physical joys and pains of running a small business.
We're just open to experiencing the love, loss, pain, laughter and joy — the emotional truths of being human.
But on an emotional level, it pains me to think that God himself declared some untouchable or defective or unable to approach the holiest of places.
Whether physical pain, emotional trauma, daily trials, wrestling with sin or any other form; most of us want to avoid suffering.
By moving the piercing of the hand out of the expected context and thus removing the conventional emotional cues, Poch makes the pain seem real again.
For the substance - dependent person, each act of use involves a series or chain of choices and behaviors mediated by a variety of cognitions (automatic thoughts, cognitive distortions, permission - giving beliefs, core beliefs / early maladaptive schemas, etc.), which interact with emotional states and past learning, strongly reinforcing «self - medicating» for emotional and existential pain.
If this couple was indeed rejected because of their race, as a Southern Baptist I'm embarrassed, frustrated, and I apologize to the couple on behalf of the Convention for the hurt and emotional pain they've experienced,» Land's statement continued.
Although we can not even imagine the horrible physical and emotional pain our Savior went through, it makes it more real and gives us a new vision of the terrific cost Jesus paid to redeem us.
For someone so anxious I have no fear of death, but I am incredibly afraid of pain — physical and emotional.
Once the extraordinary intensity and longevity of grief's pain is actually witnessed, many people (including not a few grievers) simply refuse to believe that an emotional response of this magnitude could possibly be healthy, or be what grieving books, counselors, etc., are referring to («They told me you'd cry, but not this much!»)
The pain that emotional attachment brings must be risked out of love for the goodness of Narnia.
First, we could posit that God is omnisciently aware of all of our hurts and sorrows, and that God's desire for our well - being is such that this causes God to suffer the equivalent of emotional pain.
The fear of enduring unceasing pain, of being trapped by medical machines, of losing bodily integrity and personal dignity and of being an emotional and financial drain on one's loved ones — such fear lends strength to the movement for euthanasia and for physician - assisted suicide (PAS).
And now I meet normal looking girls that broke their own arms, preferring physical pain over the emotional torment of their souls.
«The court can not imagine the emotional pain that the conclusion of the court will cause to the parents.
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