Sentences with phrase «emotional stand point»

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Vettel won the race and found himself at the top of the standings for the first time all year at the point in the season in which it mattered the most, securing an emotional victory and becoming the youngest ever champion.
You can always talk things through later to drive home the finer points when things are less emotional and true learning stands a real chance of happening.
I really think the point of parenting to give our children a stable emotional platform to stand on.
The emotional high point was of course the Inauguration itself, which I watched with friends on the (covered, heated) roofdeck of an Adams Morgan restaurant — celebratory shots all around, and we could see Bush's helicopter fly away from the Mall from where we stood.
The film picks up at Tony's (Emmanuelle Bercot — who directed this year's opening film Standing Tall) emotional low point after a skiing accident that left her with a seriously injured leg.
«The Squid and the Whale» (2005) Cruel, hilarious, and nothing short of heartbreaking in its emotional impact, «The Squid and the Whale» stands as perhaps the most pivotal creative turning point to date for its talented writer - director.
Anonymous looking, which speaks volumes as most auto companies and even GM have gone into this stale bland look that really does not make their auto's stand out so that the faithful stay with the brand but as far as an incentive ether emotional, physical or a combination of it all has us in a very blah point in the auto industry especially for car sales right now.
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