Sentences with phrase «emotional transition which»

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Initially, this transition, known as peri-menopause, is characterized by high estrogen levels which create emotional distress, weight gain, breast soreness, frequent bleeding or heavy bleeding.
It is here that we transition from the lower half of the chakra system, which is more physical in nature, to the upper half of the system which is more mental, spiritual and emotional.
School Transitions, which combine early warning systems data with content that promotes social, emotional, and behavioral competence
East Side Union High School District, in the San Jose area, has released its draft LCAP, which prioritizes investments in social workers to improve students» social emotional health, teacher coaches to support staff as they transition to Common Core, and parent centers staffed with liaisons to maximize parent involvement.
This whole - body approach, which includes physical, emotional and spiritual components of health, ensures a peaceful and humane transition.
Personal Career Management offer a range of individual and executive outplacement programmes which provide the practical and emotional support needed for individuals to make a smooth transition into their next role.
Middle childhood (age 6 — 12 years) is a critical period in which to establish social, emotional - behavioural, cognitive and physical competencies that support successful transition to adolescence.1 2 Children are increasingly exposed to influences beyond the home, and encounter various new challenges, particularly at school.
by Diane Neumann Marriages are very difficult to end and everyone goes through a period of emotional transition, which can be described as a series of stages.
If humane values are instilled as a foundation in their early years, through practised experiential learning, these children, transitioning into youths, will possess the emotional intelligence, empathy, critical thinking skills, gender sensitization, appreciation and celebration of diversity, self - regulation, and knowledge required to prevent them from causing damage or harm to themselves, their community and the world in which they live.
We were interested in finding out which people they saw as central to meeting their needs for comfort and emotional security, and how this attachment network might change across the transition to parenthood.
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