Sentences with phrase «emotional understanding»

With good emotional understanding of themselves, parents are able to pass it on to their children with ease.
We have over 25 years of experience helping couples, families, and individuals develop deep emotional understanding in order to find comfort and peace of mind.
The parents tend to exhibit good emotional understanding and control.
Children attending the programmes will expand their social skills and emotional understanding by addressing issues like knife crime and gang culture.
Many successfully transform persistent relational problems into secure bonds through a deep emotional understanding of each partner's inner experience.
Our deep appreciation and gratitude for that sacrifice can come only out of our own emotional understanding of love.
If men are better at abstract thinking and women are better at emotional understanding, fields that require more systematic and abstract thinking might end up with fewer women.
The study's first experiment showed that participants with lower levels of emotional understanding allowed anxiety unrelated to decisions they were making concerning risk influence these decisions.
Granted, most men might grasp a sports or business metaphor before anything else, but we're also capable of greater emotional understanding than many pastors give us credit for.
With 15 + years of experience I encourage emotional understanding and work toward mutually defined goals.
The section for adults focuses on increasing emotional understanding and perspective - taking, as well as relationship building and understanding personality.
However, machines lack a complete intellectual and emotional understanding in what made human society and culture thrive.
Because parents exhibit good emotional understanding and control, children also learn to manage their own emotions and learn to understand others as well.
This project brings training in Hand in Hand's pivotal Building Emotional Understanding curriculum to Head Start staff, Campus Child Care Center staff, and parents of young children in the Lummi Nation tribal community where the college is located.
The relations between emotional understanding, intellectual functioning, and disruptive behavior problems in elementary - school - aged children
All of Baker's work has an immersive quality to it, emerging with a heartfelt sense of compassion and desire for emotional understanding.
The Building Emotional Understanding curriculum helps parents and those who work with children get a new perspective on children's emotional needs and how to set limits in a way that builds strong relationships.
My desire as a therapist is to bring emotional understanding and healing to all individuals, couples, and families so that future generations have secure attachments and emotional health to live fulfilling and meaningful lives.
Moreover, elaborated reminiscing is related to children's developing emotional understanding.
From my Building Emotional Understanding Course, I learned that the clingy, attention - seeking nature of our children is actually hard - wired into their brains.
But comprehending it intellectually doesn't necessarily translate into emotional understanding or direct experience.
Finding love is not an easy thing to do, so why not start with meeting up with someone that shares the same lifestyle and has the same emotional understanding of the world as you?
I then discuss the emotional content of mother — child reminiscing and review research showing relations between mother — child emotional attachment and reminiscing, as well as relations between reminiscing and children's emerging emotional understanding.
Responsiveness has most commonly been assessed in terms of responsiveness to children's emotions [10 — 12], which is linked to child emotional understanding [13], and to more optimal emotion regulation [14 — 16].
It is so difficult to balance professionalism and emotional understanding yet you have managed to do this with me and my soon to be ex-spouse.
Findings indicated that sexually maltreated girls, in comparison to their nonmaltreated peers, demonstrate lower emotional understanding and decreased ability to regulate their emotions in accordance with cultural expectations.
Mixed emotional understanding in children was also predicted by their attachment security (Ensink, 2004).
More specifically, elaborated reminiscing about emotional aspects of the past, especially reminiscing that focuses on the causes and explanations of emotional experiences has been clearly and consistently related to children's improved emotional understanding and regulation (Fivush & Sales, 2006; Laible, 2004a, b; Sales & Fivush, 2005).
The relations between emotional understanding, intellectual functioning, and disruptive behavior problems in elementary - aged children
There is a good deal of evidence that girls are more advanced in emotional understanding in childhood than are boys; girls are able to label their own and others emotions better than boys at an earlier age, girls show more empathy than do boys, and girls are better able to regulate negative emotions than are boys (Brody, 1999).
They have amazing booklets describing the tools Kristen discussed, self - guided video classes and also their primary parenting tools class is called Building Emotional Understanding.
Recovery Unplugged takes the best practices in addiction treatment and combines them with music and music therapy to facilitate a deeper emotional understanding, emotional expression, and recover!
Leaders need to understand who they are as a person and relay that emotional understanding to those around them - that takes courage.
After all the fear, sadness, anger, guilt and recrimination brought on by the recent banking and housing crises, it is clear that emotional understanding is an integral part of financial planning.
The neo-atheist movement needs to approach the whole matter from a emotional understanding and there needs to be established places and people who will comfort in the face of lost gods.
If «God is Love» is something that can not be fathomed by our emotional understanding of love, then that verse has little meaning outside of any context people wish to place upon it.
And placing a context upon «love» that lies outside of our emotional understanding diminishes Christ's loving sacrifice....
«Taking a fresh look at discipline and children's behavior, we can see that closeness, playfulness, and emotional understanding are better bets than punishment, behavior modification, and too much permissiveness» (232).
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