Sentences with phrase «emotional wording in»

• Exaggerating the Language: Using excessive, over-flowery, or emotional wording in your professional letter can make it come of as insincere.

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In other words, in order to deal with life's curve balls, you need emotional resiliencIn other words, in order to deal with life's curve balls, you need emotional resiliencin order to deal with life's curve balls, you need emotional resilience.
In the future, intelligent AI powered chatbot interaction might greet you with a friendly opening, engage in chit chat, truly listen to your words, execute pauses, react to emotional cues and not just diagnose, but connect with you as it works to solve your problems efficiently, and smartlIn the future, intelligent AI powered chatbot interaction might greet you with a friendly opening, engage in chit chat, truly listen to your words, execute pauses, react to emotional cues and not just diagnose, but connect with you as it works to solve your problems efficiently, and smartlin chit chat, truly listen to your words, execute pauses, react to emotional cues and not just diagnose, but connect with you as it works to solve your problems efficiently, and smartly.
In a DNC speech that Oliver called «the emotional highlight of the convention,» Khan criticized Trump's proposed plan to ban Muslim immigration to the U.S. while claiming that Trump «doesn't know what the word sacrifice means.»
Rather than assuming that all women or African Americans or working - class whites will respond to the same message, they target individual voters with emotionally charged content — in other words, ads designed to tug on emotional biases.
Second, and perhaps of even greater significance, Welch is leading a transformation of attitudes at GE — struggling, in his words, to release «emotional energy» at all levels of the organization and encourage creativity and feelings of ownership and self - worth.
In other words, they participate, fundamentally, in a friendship of equals — in an «emotional» relationship with the AlmightIn other words, they participate, fundamentally, in a friendship of equals — in an «emotional» relationship with the Almightin a friendship of equals — in an «emotional» relationship with the Almightin an «emotional» relationship with the Almighty.
In light of such realities, consider the emotional (and political) impact Jesus must have had when he showed up in Nazareth, a region with a long history of oppression, and proclaimed that he had come to fulfill Isaiah's prophetic words by releasing the captives and setting the oppressed freIn light of such realities, consider the emotional (and political) impact Jesus must have had when he showed up in Nazareth, a region with a long history of oppression, and proclaimed that he had come to fulfill Isaiah's prophetic words by releasing the captives and setting the oppressed frein Nazareth, a region with a long history of oppression, and proclaimed that he had come to fulfill Isaiah's prophetic words by releasing the captives and setting the oppressed free.
In other words, a metaphysics derived from a description of human emotional states is compatible with modem physics.
You're right... a whole host... political, social, emotional, physical, mental... in other words, it's being human in the disquise of being something special and «unique»; an odd need we humans seem to have.
The prophetic sense of the entity and power of the Word explains in great part the concentrated emotional character of the prophets and their sometimes deep anguish in proclaiming the negative message, the pronouncement of doom upon the life of the political state.
We have seen that this sense of the entity and power of the Word explains in great part the concentrated emotional character of the prophets and their deep anguish in proclaiming the negative message.
But despite intellectual challenges, issues in his personal life and emotional swings, Lewis is ultimately remembered for his writings on faith: Even when it meant putting aside momentary feelings of uncertainty: «Faith, in the sense in which I am here using the word, is the art of holding on to things your reason has once accepted, in spite of your changing moods... That is why Faith is such a necessary virtue: unless you teach your moods «where they get off,» you can never be either a sound Christian or even a sound atheist.»
Sometimes this is explicit, in the exchange of harsh words; at other times it is implicit, evident not so much in what is said as in what is left unsaid --- for example, in the loss of those earlier notes of emotional, intellectual, and spiritual intimacy with his beloved sister Jemima.
In other words, she is very emotional, and excited about God.
This moving episode between Moses and the Word moreover has the quality of psychological and emotional authenticity; its vastly strengthened language of protest is an appropriate response to Moses» apparently abject failure in his preliminary meetings with Pharaoh and with Israel's representative foremen.
In the end, we could boil it down to something like: religion based on false words and ideas, and used by people who have distorted thinking because of it, is not a good thing no matter how many people like the emotional feedback they get from their own minds and no matter how much it helps them cope.
He brought Islam back to its fundamental and historical facts as found in the Word of God and the tradition of the Prophet; he aroused new interest in philosophy; and he gave a place in his system to the emotional religious life.
For young men and women who grow up in healthy families, this need is nurtured through the loving words of our parents, through their affectionate touch, through their gentle presence, through their awareness and deliberate fulfillment of our emotional needs.
It is introduced by the following preamble: «The word heart is used in Scripture as the seat of life or strength; hence it means mind, soul, spirit, or one's entire emotional nature and understanding...» The word «thought» does have about 110 entries but close inspection reveals that these are «thoughts of the heart».
Dr. Duncan's words clearly resonated with the audience, as the Fund - A-Need lot drew an emotional response from bidders in increments from $ 1,000 to $ 1 million.
As in, I literally can not express to you the pain and fear I felt during this time... words fail me to communicate the physical and emotional agony I endured.
Parenting is very personal, and it's not so easy to describe any approach to raising children given the amount of emotional baggage, future hopes, joys, and trials there are wrapped up in that one word,...
There is «feed «word in «breastfeeding `, yes, but it does not mean that our TODDLERS depends on the milk comes from breast, they get their nutrition from other food too... PLUS, they get their emotional nutrition from the beautiful connection.
In other words, your childhood experiences may have created lasting emotional wounds that alter your adult relationships today.
It's always more difficult to uncover the underlying cause if constipation is related to an emotional reaction in a child because they often don't have the words to describe their feelings or fears.
Bottom line: Ideal for parents who want an easy - to - fill memory book and need guidance in doing so; if you are not great with words — especially when getting emotional — this is definitely the best baby memory book for you.
You can't teach a baby to walk before his little muscles are developed enough; you can't teach him to talk before his oral structures and the brain wiring that enables this are present and he won't be able to truly «self soothe» no matter how long you leave him to cry himself to sleep, until he has developed the brain structures and cognitive skills that enable emotional regulation — in other words, the ability to calm himself when he becomes upset.
Intimacy is the connective and emotional exchange between people, in other words «chemistry.»
Their concerns are usually that extended breastfeeding could be stunting his independence and emotional development — the «Linus Blanket Syndrome» in the words of Michael Zollicoffer, a pediatrician at the Herman & Walter Samuelson Children's Hospital at Sinai Hospital in Baltimore.
I'll probably write up a long, emotional piece about it in the next few weeks (writing out my feelings always makes me feel better), but I wanted to take a minute to say thank you all so much for your support and kind words.
In other words, practicing one's faith is important, but a dad's emotional relationship with his kids is key to helping them develop a healthy spiritual life Tweet this!.
In other words, do teachers tend to the artistic and emotional needs of children in addition to their intellectual and social needIn other words, do teachers tend to the artistic and emotional needs of children in addition to their intellectual and social needin addition to their intellectual and social needs?
After eight years of George W Bush, America is in a similar emotional state and nowhere does Schama seek to draw the parallel and provide an insight as to how Barack Obama can heal those wounds, unite the country and — in Ronald Reagan's words — turn America back into a shining city on the hill.
Our approach is to make use of what psychologists have done already in analysing emotions, in particular a psycholinguistic dictionary called ANEW (Affective Norms of English Words), which provides a way of interpreting and analysing the emotional content of words on a number of dimensWords), which provides a way of interpreting and analysing the emotional content of words on a number of dimenswords on a number of dimensions.
During the seminar, he planted certain triggers in their heads that would subconsciously prime them for the big event; he subtly linked together colours, music, words, and symbols with different emotional states.
A war of words developed in which Lewes Greens called the decision to stand down in Pavilion «emotional blackmail» and said they would not reconsider unless the «opportunist» Liberal Democrats stood down in Isle of Wight.
The left hemisphere of our brains seems to tune into the phonemes in speech that combine to form words, and the right hemisphere focuses on the rhythm and intonation of words, which can carry emotional information.
If the commands were said in an emotional tone but some consonants were removed to make the words unintelligible, most of the dogs turned to the left.
While a clinician may find it difficult to parse whether a patient's stilted conversational manner is rooted in a lack of emotional connection or problems forming words, a brain scan in Belger's study made it clear, for example, that particular symptoms were more closely associated with disruption in the brain's emotional processing areas, whereas other symptoms were more closely associated with regions responsible for language and motor control.
If there were no bias, then the median emotional values of the words (red lines) would fall in the middle of the emotional scale.
In a tone language, the tone in which a word is said not only conveys a different emphasis or emotional content, but an altogether different meaninIn a tone language, the tone in which a word is said not only conveys a different emphasis or emotional content, but an altogether different meaninin which a word is said not only conveys a different emphasis or emotional content, but an altogether different meaning.
As there is no way to directly measure peoples» inner emotional lives, the team drew on traditions in psychological research that glean this information from the words people use when speaking or writing.
Using a series of computational text analysis tools to measure the use of hedging or emotional words, Srdan Medimorec and Gordon Pennycook, both PhD candidates in the Department of Psychology at Waterloo, examined two recent reports of opposing groups.
In one, my anxiety is shown as my brain's amygdala lights up — along with the visual, color, word, and number recognition centers — as I relive a vivid emotional memory.
In a study reported in the June 2016 issue of Cerebral Cortex, Heini Saarimäki of Aalto University in Finland and her colleagues observed volunteers in a brain scanner who were being prompted to recall memories they associated with words drawn from six emotional categories or to reflect on a movie clip selected to provoke certain emotionIn a study reported in the June 2016 issue of Cerebral Cortex, Heini Saarimäki of Aalto University in Finland and her colleagues observed volunteers in a brain scanner who were being prompted to recall memories they associated with words drawn from six emotional categories or to reflect on a movie clip selected to provoke certain emotionin the June 2016 issue of Cerebral Cortex, Heini Saarimäki of Aalto University in Finland and her colleagues observed volunteers in a brain scanner who were being prompted to recall memories they associated with words drawn from six emotional categories or to reflect on a movie clip selected to provoke certain emotionin Finland and her colleagues observed volunteers in a brain scanner who were being prompted to recall memories they associated with words drawn from six emotional categories or to reflect on a movie clip selected to provoke certain emotionin a brain scanner who were being prompted to recall memories they associated with words drawn from six emotional categories or to reflect on a movie clip selected to provoke certain emotions.
In other words, such synchrony reflects not how much the speakers like each other, but how much they're paying attention to each other's mental and emotional states.
Studies of brain - damaged patients have shown that the same brain area responsible for processing such words — a region in the left frontal lobe known as Broca's area — is also involved in social tasks, such as recognizing emotional expressions.
In other words, adults who once had ADHD might later be able to sit in a chair and refrain from fidgeting, but emotional and physical regulation issues could linger in the form of less - than - ideal eating habitIn other words, adults who once had ADHD might later be able to sit in a chair and refrain from fidgeting, but emotional and physical regulation issues could linger in the form of less - than - ideal eating habitin a chair and refrain from fidgeting, but emotional and physical regulation issues could linger in the form of less - than - ideal eating habitin the form of less - than - ideal eating habits.
As the results showed, attachment and group emotional intelligence emerge positively related to psychological well - being; in other words, «the students with the greatest attachment have the highest well - being, just as the students in classrooms with greater emotional intelligence do,» explained the researcher.
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