Sentences with phrase «emotions effect people»

Knowing what we know about how emotions effect people's reaction to written content, we can conclude that this is some research that warrants a closer look.

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(EI or EQ) describes a person's ability to recognize emotions, to understand their effect, and to use that information to guide thinking and behavior — helping you make better decisions and reach goals more quickly.
So much of putting this issue together came down to doing the research and soul - searching to really understand the differences between shame and guilt, and shame as a normal emotion and when it crossed into unhealthy territory and the effects of that toxic shame and then the sheer enormity of effort that must take place for a person to heal from a shame - based self - image.»
A former insurance executive, Gregorius enjoys delving into the details of capped Medicaid expenses and cost - sharing plans, the possible effects of federal block grants versus needs payments, and ensuring that people make decisions based on real information, and not just emotions or campaign promises.
Love Potion No. 9 Doesn't Exist While the range and potency of oxytocin make for a fascinating story, Taylor cautions that its effect on human emotions is far from simple: «A lot of people say, «Oxytocin is the cuddly hormone,» or «Oxytocin's the love hormone.»
But there are cognitive effects as well: people with Huntington's have trouble interpreting the emotions of others, mistaking fear for anger, sadness for surprise, or any of these for nothing at all.
It is not clear whether it is the feeling of disgust that changes a person's confidence in this way, or whether inducing alertness with a different emotion, such as anger or fear, would have the same effect.
He wants to know whether alertness has a greater effect on confidence in people who have difficulty regulating their emotions.
One would examine the effect that emotion and poignancy — as in, say, a video about a waiting transplant candidate or an impoverished person hoping to raise cash by selling a kidney — might have on those who find the sales objectionable.
Markus Jansson - Fröjmark said: «These findings are important because, though the effect size is small, they suggest that teaching people strategies for regulating their emotions might help prevent new cases of insomnia to occur and decrease the risk of persistent insomnia.»
Spontaneous emotional expressions are related to the person's real emotions and are important in understanding the meaning and effects of emotions in social interactions.
The term erethism (or reddening), which derives from a person's tendency to blush, 3 covers a constellation of personality traits including timidity, diffidence, contentiousness, insecurity, bluntness, rigidity, excitability and hypersensitivity to criticism and to sensory stimulation.4 - 6 Considering mercury's subtle but reproducible effects on emotions, it is likely that a number of problems blamed on character, personality or stress may in fact be caused or compounded by low - level mercury toxicity.
Researchers at Oxford University have found that «prebiotic» supplements (literally the nourishment for the good bacteria in your gut) may have an anti-anxiety effect, as they alter the way people process emotions.
Supported by powerful, but understated, costume and production designs, the historical romance drama authentically showed the effects of what happens when people rule by emotion, instead of political motivations.
In scenes alive with emotional truth, River, Cross My Heart weighs the effect of Clara's absence on the people she has left behind: her parents, Alice and Willie Bynum, torn between the old world of their rural North Carolina home and the new world of the city, to which they have moved in search of a better life for themselves and their children; the friends and relatives of the Bynum family in the Georgetown neighborhood they now call home; and, most especially, Clara's sister, twelve - year - old Johnnie Mae, who must come to terms with the powerful and confused emotions sparked by her sister's death as she struggles to decide and discover the kind of woman she will become.
Peoples emotions have a great effect on the way a dog acts / reacts.
Her paintings investigate the effect spaces and suburban settings have on an individual's emotions and behaviour as well as how people use space in an urban context.
Commenting on the effect of his pictures, he once said: «I'm interested only in expressing basic human emotions — tragedy, ecstasy, doom and so on - and the fact that a lot of people break down and cry when confronted with my pictures show that I communicate those basic human emotions
In her work she portrays the atmosphere of certain spaces, capturing the essence of it and communicating the effect it has on emotions of the people in it.
ROD LAMBERTS: I think it would have a much better shot at working because we've seen evidence, there's evidence to suggest appealing to people's emotions will have a stronger effect than trying to appeal to their brains via some kind of, you know, fact channel... *** (LOL - SOOO ABC) SIMON LAUDER: And presumably, the target of an advertising campaign would be politicians?
They convey emotions, hierarchy, negativity, positivity, wantedness, unwantedness... Language is a powerful force, and making small changes to your language used when describing adoption can have a profound effect on the people who are most affected by adoption - birth parents, adoptees, and adoptive parents.
Interpersonal family stress contributes to relationship breakdown and lack of perceived social support, and high expressed emotion may contribute to relapse.21 Family - focused treatment has been shown to reduce recurrence when used as an adjunct to medication for bipolar disorder.38 It is initiated once stabilisation of mood has been effected after an acute episode, and includes the patient and at least one significant family member (eg, parent or spouse).39 The underlying focus of family - focused treatment is to provide education regarding the recent illness episode; this includes exploring possible causes and the patient's personal triggers, discussing the importance of medication, differentiating between the person and the illness, and enhancing positive family relationships.40 Improved positive communication appears to be a key mechanism in this approach.38, 41 Recent studies suggest greater benefits in reducing depressive rather than manic relapses.23, 38,42
When people can feel positive emotions at the same time that they feel negative emotions, they are less vulnerable to the effects of stress.
These include activities (doing things you enjoy that help you take your mind off whatever is causing you stress), contributing (doing volunteer work or helping out a friend), comparisons (comparing what you do to cope with stressful situations to what other people do or how you cope today to how you coped in years» past), emotions (immerse yourself in books, poetry, music, films, or television shows that trigger strong emotions), pushing away (cutting yourself off from the situation at hand by mentally blocking it out), thoughts (finding mentally - stimulating activities to do, such as crossword puzzles, playing video games, writing poetry, or solving mathematical equations), and sensations (finding means to elicit strong physical reactions, such as holding an ice cube for a minute or taking a long, cold shower; this is similar to self - harm but without the harmful effects).
We expected an indirect effect of beliefs about emotions on emotion regulation strategies, and we hypothesized this effect would be mediated by the unwillingness to remain in contact with aversive private experiences, i.e., experiential avoidance (Hayes, Strosahl, & Wilson, 1999) and by the difficulties a person experiences in regulating emotions (Gratz & Roemer, 2004).
As a person who has experienced divorce as well as the death of a spouse, I can tell you one thing is for sure: The emotions effects of divorce that you are feeling and will continue to feel will astound you.
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