Sentences with phrase «emphasized at»

Company - focused objectives are emphasized at the very top of your resume (What can you do for them rather than the other way around?)
There is strong need of Home Insurance to get Tax Benefit, as emphasized at an individual by some recent natural calamities.
The Court emphasized at para 113 that the threshold for finding real or perceived bias is high, as it questions not only the integrity of the judge, but the entire administration of justice.
While that investigation focused on Facebook's obligations under Canadian privacy law, the Commissioner emphasized at the time that, with nearly 12 million Canadians on Facebook, it's also important for users to adopt the appropriate privacy settings and to understand how their personal information may be used or shared online.
The RDS case also emphasized at para 114 that whether reasonable apprehension of bias arises depends entirely on the facts of the case.
The distinction is that the shared goal is emphasized at the outset, and frames the entirety of the conversation.
He previously emphasized at the Democratic National Convention that global warming was «not a hoax», referred to recent droughts and floods as «a threat to our children's future», and pledged to make the climate a second - term priority.
Sure, I could join a sports team (which was REALLY emphasized at the admitted students day), but what if I didn't really enjoy any of the sports?
The subject's stiff posture and inhuman, gray, and glossy skin are emphasized at a larger scale.
On its own that's not such a bad thing, but it feels like Capcom emphasized it at the expense of being creative elsewhere.
One of the new OS features that RIM emphasized at the launch event is the new universal search.
The arts areas emphasized at the opening of the school will be visual arts, music, dance, and theater.
Arts and Sciences — Language arts, fine arts, and science will be emphasized at all grade levels.
These probing questions and others are emphasized at every turn with an overbearing score, in case you might miss the emotionally moving moments.
There's no denying the pastoral splendor lovingly presented here, and the fable - like predication of the film is its strongest and most fascinating conceit, though it's often overlooked, emphasized at odd intervals only to reappear with bulldozed magnitude belatedly in the third act.
All recovery techniques are valuable for athletes at any level, however there are some unique methods that should be emphasized at the professional level.
All recovery techniques are valuable for athletes at any level, however there are some unique methods that should be emphasized at the collegiate level.
Police Commissioner Bill Bratton emphasized at the rally that the NYPD would also work to ensure the rights and safety of all.
«It isn't emphasized at that point in time [postpartum] and the mothers are already overwhelmed,» said Walker, but pointed out that the topic can come up prenatally in breastfeeding or childbirth classes.
Safety is strongly emphasized at Forsman Farms.
I grew up a strictly trained classical musician, where doing things the right way was emphasized at all costs.
This philosophy should be emphasized at these points and others during growth groups: in the publicity inviting participation — for example, «This retreat will have a double purpose, to provide opportunities for us to enrich our own marriages and to discover our capacities to strengthen and encourage each other»; during the establishing of the group contract, near the beginning, when the discussion focuses on the nature of marriage growth; during the evaluation — for example, «How did we support and encourage each other's growth?»
There are two deep problems connected with Catholicism that must be emphasized at the outset of any discussion.
And evangelism is emphasized at the expense of serving «the least of these.»
It grew out of concern by staff of the American Baptist Convention that ecological concerns not be emphasized at the expense of justice nor justice at the expense of ecology.
Science and engineering are emphasized at the expense of the humanities.
Franklin Fry, chairman of the Central Committee of the World Council of Churches emphasized this at the Ghana Assembly when he said that «the union of the two groups is not only natural but is called for by theological consistency».
What needs to be repeated and emphasized at this point is the fact that the focal point of the empty tomb story is the Easter message proclaimed by the unknown young man, «Fear nothing; you are looking for Jesus of Nazareth, who was crucified.
A somewhat stylized Niebuhrian analysis of a human problem is to state two opposite facets of the problem, then to reduce each further to negative and positive elements, to correlate the subnegation, then to show how the Christian answer meets these complexities, but only in the wholeness of the problem; for once any element of the Christian answer is emphasized at the expense of some other facet, distortion occurs.18
Another definitive element of the legend of Ellaiyamman must be emphasized at this juncture: this Dalit goddess has the head of the Paraiyar and the body of a caste Hindu woman.
(Zeph 3:9) Has he been teaching individuals how to be «no part of the world» that Jesus so strongly emphasized at John 15:19?
I should emphasize at the outset that although I begin with Peirce and shall refer to what I understand to be his view, the discussion will not be restricted to a straightforward exposition.
But I must emphasize at once that practically no biblical text directly justifies this «yes.»
«But I want to emphasize that at this point we don't have this drug.»
I should emphasize at the beginning that Comer is not indifferent to achievement; it is a key objective of his emphasis on relationships and psychological development.
Additionally, each book of The Last Readers emphasizes at least one Common Core reading anchor standards associated with each of the ELA standards strands:
If you didn't think anonymity and discretion was an important aspect of your research, this rule painstakingly emphasizes this at least five different ways.
One thing you'll note that we didn't emphasize at all was the difference in raw hardware specs.
Employers select resumes emphasizing at least an Associate's Degree in information services.
Your objective statement should emphasize at least a few of the most relevant skills and experience.
But before you do any of the above, it is vital that you first define what makes you unique so that you can emphasize that at all times.
One very important point to emphasize at this phase is to bring in partners early.
Just what we all hope to emphasize at Christmas, right?

Not exact matches

Aptly dubbed «Zero Suicide,» the planned initiative (still at its earliest and informal stages) emphasizes prevention over reactive mental health treatment, with interventions focused on at - risk individuals the moment they show signs of possibly lapsing into suicidal ideation.
At one point it was going to be a stable of magazines, then it started emphasizing its social features, and more recently it has shown signs of wanting to be mostly an outlet for other publishers.
Shilling does not say when the stock market will crash, or how big such a crash will be, but he does emphasize the importance of shifting wealth into cash at such times — a point he's been making for much of his career.
In Canada, the report notes, unlike in the U.S., there have been strong efforts to emphasize diversity at the highest levels of government and society, most notably that of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, who appointed 15 men and 15 women to cabinet positions.
«Obviously, I disagree [with Trump] on a whole bunch, but Canadians expect me to accomplish two things at the same time, which is emphasize where we disagree and stand up firmly for Canadian interests,» Trudeau told Rolling Stone.
Smith likes to emphasize the fact that at a smaller company, there's more opportunity to make an impact and less bureaucracy to deal with.
First, at the end of Apple's presentation that saw not only a new iPhone, but new iPods too, CEO Tim Cook emphasized that «what sets them apart and what places us way ahead of the competition is how well they work together.»
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