Sentences with phrase «emphasized spatial relationships»

He emphasized spatial relationships in his work by leaving unstained, bare canvas as a contrast against the colors used throughout his paintings.
This emphasizes spatial relationships, which some dyscalculics also struggle with.

Not exact matches

The presentation of the boxes as a group allows for their unique spatial arrangements and colors to be apprehended by the viewer as a whole, while also emphasizing their relationship to the surrounding architectural environment.
As a Reader, as a Viewer: the curators of Move Still will guide visitors through two distinct spatial and temporal perspectives of the exhibition: emphasizing the descriptive and interpretive relationships between the body, material apparatuses, and tasking embedded in the included works.
Both emphasized work from observation, with Mercedes coming out of the Hofmann tradition, which took spatial relationships observed from the model into abstraction.
However, choosing the name «1 Apartment for 2 Women 4 Men» is not only based on such an apparent fact, but also because we believe that this concise statement, which lists and juxtaposes the spatial structure, numbers and genders, although might be seemingly expressionless, it will help us to confirm and emphasize that, the very thing that determines our cognition and imagination is always an undefined relationship in a specific space.
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