Sentences with phrase «emphasizing uncertainties in climate science»

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Cooney himself made 294 edits to the administration's 364 - page Strategic Plan for the U.S. Climate Change Science Program posted July 24, 2003, «to exaggerate or emphasize scientific uncertainties or to deemphasize or diminish the importance of the human role in global warming,» and Cooney and the CEQ played a role in eliminating climate change sections in the EPA's draft Report on the Environment as well as its National Air Quality and Emissions Trends Climate Change Science Program posted July 24, 2003, «to exaggerate or emphasize scientific uncertainties or to deemphasize or diminish the importance of the human role in global warming,» and Cooney and the CEQ played a role in eliminating climate change sections in the EPA's draft Report on the Environment as well as its National Air Quality and Emissions Trends climate change sections in the EPA's draft Report on the Environment as well as its National Air Quality and Emissions Trends Report.
Given that much of the science backing the consensus view is not in contention, and given that as we saw in the last entry in this series that there is an ethical need to be very careful in talking about the uncertainties associated with climate science, a PR firm led strategy that emphasizes uncertainty without regard to how much of the science is settled is extraordinarily unethical.
CEQ Chief of Staff Phil Cooney and other CEQ officials made at least 294 edits to the Administration s Strategic Plan of the Climate Change Science Program to exaggerate or emphasize scientific uncertainties or to deemphasize or diminish the importance of the human role in global warming.
For the next decade — as the emerging science was becoming increasingly robust, and as international efforts to curb heat - trapping emissions gained steam and calls for action grew more urgent — the company persisted in emphasizing the lingering uncertainties of climate science and the costs of ambitious policies, the documents show.
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