Sentences with phrase «employee with disabilities»

The accessibility needs of employees with disabilities as well as any individualized accommodation plan in place will be taken into account during the performance management process.
The Company must prepare a written procedure for the development of individualized accommodation plans for employees with disabilities.
When making an offer of employment, include a notice about your policies for accommodating employees with disabilities.
The accessibility needs of employees with disabilities as well as any individualized accommodation plan in place will be taken into account when considering career development opportunities.
Employees must be informed about the organization's policies, practices and procedures for supporting employees with disabilities in the above areas.
We will also provide employees with disabilities with individualized emergency response information when necessary.
Employees with disabilities also have important human rights protections.
It also seeks to force the company to provide reasonable accommodation for any other employees with disabilities.
Take the accessibility needs of employees with disabilities into account in the performance management process.
The decision also highlights the importance of considering all possible positions, vacant or not, in order to meet the duty to accommodate employees with disabilities.
Does your organization provide employees with updated information about its policies to support employees with disabilities?
The Company must take into account the accessibility needs of employees with disabilities as well as any individualized accommodation plan in place during the performance management process.
The Company must take into account the accessibility needs of employees with disabilities as well as any individualized accommodation plan in place when considering career development opportunities.
Does your organization prepare individualized workplace emergency response information for employees with disabilities?
Make any written reasonable accommodation procedures an employer may have widely available to all employees, and periodically remind employees that the employer will provide reasonable accommodations to employees with disabilities who need them, absent undue hardship.
Launched during National Disability Employment Awareness month last fall, the EveryBody Works NC campaign raises awareness of resources available to support employer efforts to recruit, hire and retain employees with disabilities as well as services for job seekers with disabilities seeking meaningful, competitive employment.
The ADA is intended to require employers to provide equal opportunities to employees with disabilities by requiring them to provide reasonable accommodations to such employees, and by prohibiting them from taking any adverse employment action against such employees on the basis of their disability.
In accordance with 5 U.S.C. § 3102, «Employment of Personal Assistants for Handicapped Employees, Including Blind and Deaf Employees,» DOT, in its discretion, may authorize the payment of salary and other necessary expenses for a personal assistant (PA) who accompanies a qualifying employee with a disability on official travel as a reasonable accommodation.
Individualized workplace emergency response information must be prepared for employees with disabilities where (a) the disability is such that the individualized information is necessary and, (b) the Company is aware of the need for accommodation due to the employee's disability.
take into account accessibility needs of employees with disabilities when implementing performance management, career development, advancement or redeployment processes.In addition to the deadlines falling in January 2016, other accessibility standards will come into effect over the coming years.
Companies with at least 15 employees must not discriminate against employees with disabilities as defined by the Americans With Disabilities Act.
New Jersey's anti-discrimination laws require employers to provide employees with disabilities with reasonable accommodations, as long as those accommodations do not inflict an «undue hardship» on the employer.
Kessler Foundation and Heldrich Center Issue Brief on Strategies for Hiring Employees with Disabilities
Hundreds of young Americans with mental or physical disabilities have found employment at Walgreens in distribution centers and stores through its Retail Employees with Disabilities Initiative (REDI) program.
While employees with disabilities are working an average of 35.5 hours per week, 60 percent are seeking more hours.
This recommendation is a reflection of the confusion organizations are having in understanding the differences between the two legal obligations, and how the duty to accommodate under the Ontario Human Rights Code and the AODA overlap and work simultaneously to protect employees with disabilities.
Amendments will repeal the ability for employers to pay employees with disabilities less than minimum wage.
JAN provides employers, recruiters, managers as well as job seekers and employees with disabilities resources for a successful recruitment, hiring and employment experience.
The Globe and Mail provides employees with disabilities individualized workplace emergency response information when the employee's disability is such that the information is required and The Globe and Mail has been informed of the need to accommodate the employee's disability.
Challenges regarding an employer's duty to accommodate employees with disabilities involving medical marijuana use are also anticipated.
From advancing women leaders through comprehensive leadership programs, to a stronger presence of women amongst managers and driving a leadership position in supporting employees with disabilities to ensure an inclusive workplace where all can contribute — P&G was a shining star for inclusion.
Katz co-authored the new research brief entitled, «Strategies to Support Employer - Driven Initiatives to Recruit and Retain Employees with Disabilities
ensuring that the organization takes into account the accessibility needs of employees with disabilities when implementing performance management, career development, advancement or redeployment processes.
Successful job applicants are notified of our policies related to the accommodation of employees with disabilities.
The accessibility needs of employees with disabilities as well as any individualized accommodation plan in place will be taken into account during the redeployment process.
Norton Rose Fulbright Canada LLP has an accommodation process in place that provides accommodations for employees with disabilities.
The «interpersonal complexities» and the perception that an employee with a disability may be less skilled, rounded out the top three challenges.
A documented process for the development of individualized accommodation plans for employees with disabilities has been finalized and is available for all employees.
Employees of the Company must be informed of policies used to support employees with disabilities, including policies related to job accommodation for employees with disabilities.
The Company must take into account the accessibility needs of employees with disabilities as well as any individualized accommodation plan in place during the redeployment process.
Employees of the Company are notified of policies used to support employees with disabilities, including policies related to job accommodation for employees with disabilities.
The Company must provide accessible formats and communication supports to an employee with a disability for (a) information that is needed in order to perform the employee's job and (b) information that is generally available to employees in the workplace.
The Company will notify successful job applicants about our policies related to the accommodation of employees with disabilities.
Employee performance reviews, career development, re-assignment and return to work processes will take into account and consider the needs of employees with disabilities.
Moreover, an establishment that is not accessible to the public is also not accessible to employees with disabilities, leading to potential employment discrimination as well.
In recent years, the availability of assistive technologies has grown markedly, a development spurred in part by the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, which requires schools and employers to make reasonable accommodations for students, job applicants, and employees with disabilities.
Employees with disabilities need to adapt a lot to deal with everyday situations in an ever - changing world, so employers will find this ability attractive.
Individualized solutions will be implemented to remove barriers and provide accommodations that fit the needs of employees with disabilities.
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