Sentences with phrase «empty little box»

On my laptop it just appears as an empty little box.

Not exact matches

Sweet Turkey Dessert Centerpiece Supplies: 3 boxes of Little Debbie Fall Party Cakes (any flavors) 3 empty Little Debbie Fall Party Cake boxes 1 bag of standard size marshmallows Orange, red and yellow food coloring Clean, food safe paint brush Gold food coloring spray (optional available at craft store) 3 bags of dried beans or rice (act as weights for the empty boxes) Hot glue gun with glue sticks Small to medium size Styrofoam pumpkin (from a dollar store or craft store) Bamboo skewers Candy corn Fruit leather (4 serving rolls) Candy eyes Plastic pilgrim hat (optional from craft store)...
You may also stack up pillows, blankets or empty boxes to create a little obstacle course for your little one to practice crawling through.
I remember digging into the little bags of cheese popcorn reserved for school lunches, finishing off one after another and then hiding the wrappers in their big Costco box so that it would look like it was still full, the way rebellious teens top up empty vodka bottles with water.
Initially A Little Chaos bears comparison to a new and unused jewellery box in that it is pretty but empty.
Yes, Half Empty, Seraphine really is «a little known movie»: Nearly $ 1 million at the U.S. box office (very good for a foreign film these days); an 84 score on Metacritic (including a 4 - star Roger Ebert rave); an 89 % fresh rating on Rotten Tomatoes; 7 French Oscars (including for Moreau as Best Actress).
Even things like ping pong balls and empty shoe boxes and cereal boxes are toys prized by imaginative little ferrets.
Predator mode has a few extra toys that are merely reskinned versions of gadgets that came before, freeflow has a few extra enemies and there's a massive chunk of empty city with little reason for existing past being a selling point for the back of the box.
Also it's interesting to point out that most other games this generation have large living environments with moving parts and people; the maps here all feel a little empty, just a kill box filled with things to kill.
He did as much for Barnett Newman, who made empty fields of color, and for Joseph Cornell, who made evocative little boxes.
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