Sentences with phrase «empty the bladder more»

Veterinary spinal manipulation therapy can also help your pet posture itself better to empty the bladder more fully.
Here your dog's bladder will become inflamed from an infection and this will cause them to need to empty their bladder more often as a result.

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As your pregnancy progresses, you may find it more difficult to find a comfortable position, or you may have to get up several times during the night to empty your increasingly cramped bladder.
It's because more pressure is subjected on your bladder by the developing fetus making it hard for it to empty urine, this gives a chance for harmful bacteria to multiply in your urinary tract.
The constant need to go is caused by the increased blood flow to your kidneys which also causes your bladder to fill more frequently, hence needing to be emptied just as frequently.
Increased urinary frequency: Due to increased progesterone, displacement of the bladder upward, and the bladder not emptying completely so it feels like you have to go more often!
The bladder is emptied more completely when squatting rather than sitting or «hovering».
Many physical therapists also teach bladder retraining exercises so to help reduce urinary urgency and frequency as well as learning to more completely empty the bladder.
Frequent trips to the washroom, less than every 2 hours - this can train the bladder to only hold small amounts and therefore will need to empty more frequently
• Difficulty urinating • Feeling that the bladder is not empty immediately after urinating • Stress incontinence (urine leakage during sneezing, coughing, exertion) • More frequent bladder infections • Painful intercourse • Low back pain
Note: If you feel like you might actually urinate while practicing this exercise, empty your bladder before completing it so that you feel more comfortable and more able to fully relax the pelvic floor muscles.
Whether you suffer from pain associated with the filling or emptying of your bladder or from running to the bathroom more often and urgently than you would like, taking a look at your diet and potential irritants could make a substantial difference to your everyday quality of life.
Furthermore, caffeine stimulates the nerves that make you feel the need to empty your bladder, meaning you may feel this need more frequently than normal and with more urgency than you would like (2,3).
* Note: If you feel like you might actually urinate while practicing the pelvic drop, then empty your bladder before - hand so that you feel more comfortable and more able to fully RELEASE the pelvic floor muscles.
There is one other motion that we do at least two times a day, more if you are getting up to empty your squished bladder in the middle of the night, that causes the greatest strain on our abdominal muscles.
If you work or will be away more than six hours, plan how you will allow the puppy (or adult dog) to empty bowel and bladder.
During the day, particularly while puppy is playing, he will have to empty his bladder / bowels more frequently.
The bladder is emptied more quickly so crystals have less time to form.
Urinary tract problems can be very serious, especially in male cats because their urethra (the tube that empties urine from their bladder) is narrow and is more easily plugged than a female's wider urethra.
The fuller a dog's bladder gets, the more urgently he feels the need to empty it.
Very tiny dogs have very tiny bladders and need to empty them more often.
But if you're feeling a little more malevolent, you're free to keep your Sims» bladders full and their stomachs empty.
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