Sentences with phrase «enable cell survival»

These interactions not only enable cell survival, but also influence fundamental cellular properties and behaviors.

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It indicates that the interaction with mitochondria is driven by Toxoplasma, rather than the host cell, and it is likely something the parasite does «to enable survival in some particular subset of hosts,» he says.
Oligodendrocytes, the cells that are known to produce the myelin sheaths which enable saltatory conduction of action potentials along the myelinated axons, are modulators of signal transmission along neuronal connections (axons) and also promote neuronal survival by providing metabolic support.
Sheltzer's team proposes that these cells rapidly evolved to acquire different mutations that would confer a survival benefit — perhaps enabling them to grow in new environments, just as cancer cells that become metastatic evolve so as to be able to detach from their tissue of origin and grow at different sites in the body.
By identifying the molecular signals emitted through the soil by friendly fungi, the protein enables a plant to «roll out the red carpet» for cell colonisation by the fungi, and all the survival advantages this mutually - beneficial relationship brings — the fungi feeds minerals such as phosphate into plant cells in return for sugar extraction.
The research team discovered how the parasite hijacks the host cell to enable its own growth and survival, hibernating for decades by creating its own food reserve.
These data demonstrate that the Cellartis iPSC CRISPR / Cas9 Gesicle and Single - Cell Cloning System enables highly efficient survival of single hiPS cells.
In tumour cells, the signals controlling cell growth and survival are dysfunctional, thus enabling the cells to grow in an uncontrolled manner.
Alterations accomplished using CRISPR, which enables scientists to edit a cell's DNA with unprecedented precision, are different in one crucial respect: The process can result in «gene drive,» a naturally occurring feature of some genes that enables them to spread through a population over generations, even if they do not help survival (and thus reproduction).
Dr. Sadelain's work has focused on developing novel strategies to extend survival of CAR T cells in the body and enable T cells with increased potency to overcome the resistance imposed by tumor and other cells in the tumor microenvironment.
Scientists have engineered a sort of biological barbell that can get inside cancer cells and do damage to two proteins that work independently and together to enable cancer's survival and spread...
Long associated with enabling the proliferation of cancer cells, the ancient cellular survival response regulated by Heat - Shock Factor 1 (HSF1) can also turn neighboring cells in their environment into co-conspirators that support malignant progression and metastasis.
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