Sentences with phrase «enact immigration reform»

Enact immigration reform that will cut billions.
If Congress had enacted the immigration reform bill that the Senate passed in 2013 — or other bills that had made progress in the House — that would have raised the annual H - 1B cap to 115,000 right away (and up to 180,000 over time).
For example, on 26 July — during a publicity - sapping week before the debt deadline — a hearing by the Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on Immigration, Refugees and Border Security examined «The Economic Imperative for Enacting Immigration Reform» and heard incisive testimony about the technical and scientific workforce.

Not exact matches

Since his push to enact a ban on assault weapons and wider background checks for gun owners collapsed on Capitol Hill in 2013, gun control has slipped down the list of White House priorities, below a legacy - building Iran deal, an opening with Cuba and reform of the immigration system.
The City Council instead opted to support a five - paragraph resolution from the city of Orlando backed by the U.S. Conference of Mayors that urges the federal government to enact comprehensive immigration reform.
He might have added that his new policy would not be needed if Congress enacted common - sense reforms to the nation's broken immigration system.
«My colleagues and I call on President Obama and Congress to enact a comprehensive and humane immigration reform bill that is inclusive of all families.»
«Today, the President called on Congress to take action and I am hopeful that as legislators, we can ake this opportunity to work in a bipartisan manner to enact a permanent solution on behalf of individuals brought to the U.S. illegally as children, while also enacting long - term reforms to both fix our broken immigration system and to secure our nation's borders,» Katko said.
About two dozen supporters stood outside Republican Congressman Chris Gibson's Kingston district office, pressing him to listen to their voices and join in the fight to enact comprehensive immigration reform.
«Today's decision only underscores the urgent need to enact federal immigration reform.
By June 1965, a heavily Democratic Congress had either enacted or was about to enact a host of ambitious Great Society programs — an Elementary and Secondary Education Act, Medicare, Medicaid, a Voting Rights Act, reform of racist immigration law — that Johnson, a relentless advocate, had been urging upon it.
The most effective solution to this problem is to enact federal legislation, such as the BRIDGE Act, a bill with broad bipartisan support in Congress, with an amendment that would extend DACA protections until comprehensive immigration reform is enacted.
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