Sentences with phrase «encephalic imbeciles»

But tricking smart people into thinking you're an imbecile, even though you're secretly brilliant — now, that's hard.
But unlike Trump, so far as I can tell, O'Leary has never uttered a public remark that would suggest he is a bigot, a misogynist or an imbecile.
Infuriating members of Congress, a smirking Martin Shkreli took the Fifth at a Capitol Hill hearing Thursday when asked about his jacking up of drug prices, then promptly went on Twitter and insulted his questioners as «imbeciles
Luckily we live in a country that has a constitution that allows you to say pretty much whatever you want, no matter how imbecile it is.
However, I whole heartedly support Dior firing this Nazi loving imbecile.
I would guess they are still threatened by some neo-Nazi imbeciles, but not annihilation.
Only if you are a gullible imbecile such as yourself.
reborners, everyone of them, is absolutely clueless, brainwashed, has a book do all their thinking, reparded, is an imbecile, indoctrinated, duped by his parents, abused by priests, hates almost everyone, is a hypocrite, unthinking, addicted to religion, closed - minded, untrustworthy, greedy, two - faced, cheap, shallow, biased, republican, racist, uneducated, materialistic, boring, bland, judgmental, w / o love and knowledge of the bible, child abusing abortionists and genocidal cowboys and pro-slavery
@ Dr.. If you make stupid, unfounded claims, then you are an imbecile.
As for the engineer — he's an imbecile.
You're such a hypocrite, concerning science, as you sit there on your PC, using electricity, commenting your bullshit on the Internet for all to see what an imbecile you are.
Only, don't expect the rest of us to defend an imbecile radio commentator who didn't take the time to hear the truth either.
But God forbid, an American bomb ACCIDENTALLY touch a mosque, then these hypocrites riot and carry on like imbeciles.
You must be a functioning imbecile.
This imbecile is the same responsible for the genocide in the 1980 - 1985's Peruvian Andes.
Those 27 % of people are either imbeciles or live in Fantasyland.
Where violence is concerned, Christians generally behave like imbecile children.
Perhaps the «imbecile» comment shows your ignorance of the subject?
Today, however, his importance is scarcely a rumor even to the very literate, and the best known book about him in English is a ghastly, feeble, and imbecile squib by one of the twentieth century's most indefatigably fraudulent intellectuals, Isaiah Berlin.
We civilized men... do our utmost to check the process of elimination; we build asylums for the imbecile, the maimed, and the sick; we institute poor laws; and our medical men exert their utmost skill to save the life of everyone to the last moment....
* groan *... I hope you're not for real because you make Christians look like imbeciles and uneducated trailer park toothless idiots.
Yeah you go read some John Hagge an Imbecile if there ever was on, take you perfect religion and put it where the sun don't shine
With an opening statement «denial of evolution is unique to the United States» Bill makes it clear that he not only is a poor dresser and ineffective pop - scientist, but also an imbecile.
And micro encephalic imbeciles like you are also on the rise, your mom should have gotten a D&C before you were born.
Intelligent design is pseudo-science for religious imbeciles.
Yeah tell that to the 300 dead marines who were killed in Beirut when your imbecile Reagan was in power, that was the beginning of Islamic Jihad.
Was it wrong to sterilize Carrie Buck only because, as it turned out, her child was not an «imbecile»?
Marking the 75th anniversary of the infamous Buck v. Bell case endorsing forced sterilization, in which Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr. declared «three generations of imbeciles is enough,» the laboratory assures us that the new, more precise science of genetics means that «no human lineage is without hope.»
Most of the idiotic imbeciles of all sorts of socialisms many branches will never see the cunnings of the «anti»!
If you haven't heard of Vassar or Sarah Lawrence then you are an imbecile and were probably turned down by your local community college.
The feature allows one to view the grade «A» report card of the little girl Holmes had declared an imbecile, and optimistically concludes that «one can never predict where genius will arise.»
I'm such a moral imbecile when it comes to enjoying the ritual murder of children.
I am insulted by people who wear droopy pants down around their knees like imbeciles who can't dress themselves, but this does not give me the right to attack or kill them.
Obama and his Democrats now look like complete imbeciles having demonstrated gross incompetence!
There is nothing to discuss, u imbecile!
You call other people imbeciles, while you are probably in your mother's basement typing away on your activist blogs while your joint smolders to a nub.
«There are moments when the injustice of having to leave your country simply because an imbecile got it into his head to invade it, is overwhelming.
they could have said it's an outright lie perpetuated by weak minded, egotstical imbeciles.
may god forgive your imbecile behaviour.
As a result, skeptics are the biggest imbeciles on the planet we call earth.
Imbecile was a medical term used to describe a person with moderate to severe mental retardation, as well as for a type of criminal.
Flowery poetic word salad might work on imbeciles.
Both images, however, see the Constitution and society exercising «wardship» by protecting believers from at least the more egregious damage these feeble - minded might do to themselves (perhaps further justification for Obamacare's sterile sex coverage — three centuries of religious imbeciles is enough!).
What do you get out of telling others that they are imbeciles for believing or any of the drivel that spews from your keyboard?
Tell Bloomberg and the other imbeciles to start drinking water and lay off the Kool - Aid.
She's not a dummy, or imbecile that some of you people claim she is.
Note to imbeciles: he didn't really declare everyone in NYC a muslim as the headline suggests... the headline was just baiting you to read the article.
Just leave the USA you freedom hating imbecile, take a one way ticket to theocracy.
He did not, and «the old imbecile,» as Napoleon called him, lived to see Bonaparte brought low and die in exile, reconciled to the Church by a chaplain Pius himself had sent to St. Helena.
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