Sentences with phrase «encourage bullying behaviors»

A child's social network can inhibit or encourage bullying behaviors.

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Pay attention: Instead of dropping their kids off for practice, parents should stick around if they can; they should encourage their kids to report inappropriate behavior by teammates or coaches - whether it is «locker room talk» demeaning of women or girls, or anti-Muslim, anti-immigrant comments or behavior - regardless of whether it is directed at a teammate or not, and made to feel safe in doing so; they should pay attention to a coach's behavior at practices and games to make sure they are not participating in or tolerating bullying, teasing or abuse of any kind.
Instead, encourage the bully to own his or her behavior.
I thought of all the bullying and coarse behavior our culture encourages, even endorses, and how seldom we celebrate examples, like this one, of civility and sportsmanship,» writes Professor Paul Reville.
Now a school counselor in Maine, Davis decided a broader approach to bullying prevention was needed, and began working on a school - wide behavior rubric to encourage positive behavior, discourage bullying, and provide consistent consequences for student not following the policies.
Stan Davis: The primary goal of my bullying reduction strategies is to have school staff and students work together to encourage, model, and enforce school - wide expectations for respectful behavior.
Students were encouraged across the ages and the curriculum to avoid bullying behaviors and to help the victims.
Use clips from the film BULLY, along with additional classroom resources, to address issues of ostracism, bullying, and encourage upstander behavior in your school and classroom.
Or have bullying or aggressive behaviors been rewarded or encouraged?
For example, the influence can have negative effects if a peer group's bullying behavior encourages others to laugh at someone.
The Tanner's Manners: Be a «Cool Kind of Kid» ® education materials address the problems of rudeness and bullying in a fun and innovative way with the goal of enhancing social competence, encouraging better behavior and equipping kids to get along.
Educators are some of the staunchest advocates of uniforms, arguing that they reduce problematic behavior, cut down on the incidence of bullying and encourage more school spirit overall.
Online anonymity (or pseudonymity, which is similar but not quite the same) comes under fire regularly from those who believe that it encourages bad behavior such as bullying and racism, whether in blog comments or on Twitter (s twtr), or in popular apps like Secret and Whisper.
We encourage parents, guardians, or other individuals concerned about bullying, to first report suspected bullying behavior to their school site administrator (principal).
In the early 1990s researchers investigating the best ways to encourage positive behaviors like active citizenship and service - learning and to prevent high - risk behaviors like violence, bullying, unwanted pregnancies, and drug abuse came to realize that students benefited the most when positive youth development programs and strategies are coordinated and integrated at the school and district levels.
As noted by UCLA psychologist Jaana Juvoven, bullying behavior is encouraged when bullies are perceived to be «cool» (Juvoven et al 2003).
StandUp is a bullying prevention program for adolescents that showed encouraging changes in behavior from first to third session in a small sample of high school students.
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