Sentences with phrase «encourage public respect»

«Specifically, the charges allege that the member failed in his duty to encourage public respect for justice and to uphold and try to improve the administration of justice,» the society said on its website.
He's also accused of failing to «treat the court with courtesy and respect» and failing «to uphold and encourage public respect for justice and the administration of justice.»
encourage public respect for the administration of justice, and provide criticisms in a bona fide and reasoned manner
«Specifically, the charges allege that the member failed in his duty to encourage public respect for justice and to
This would be akin to a lawyer's obligation, resulting from the lawyer's position in the community, to encourage public respect for and to try to improve the administration of justice.
So, for example, the Law Society of Alberta could make me acknowledge that I have a duty to «encourage public respect for and try to improve the administration of justice» (since Rule 5.6 - 1 imposes that duty).
Nor is there any express language suggesting an obligation to «encourage public respect for human rights and improving their administration» — in fact the words «human rights» don't appear at all in that rule or commentary either.
The provision from which I have indicated a broader duty can be found is not Rule 6.3.1, but Rule 5.6 - 1, which I used specifically in conjunction with equating the duty to «promote» as encouraging public respect for human rights and improving their administration.
The Society seeks to improve the administration of justice and takes steps to ensure that the conduct of lawyers and the profession encourages public respect for the administration of justice, and public confidence in the regulation of the profession and the justice system.

Not exact matches

There is a public safety risk if people try to walk around down there so we are encouraging onlookers to stay back as far as possible and respect the boundaries of that area.
Of course I fully agree with many of the more accepted goals of the liberal variants of critical pedagogy whose arch-categories include the following — to foment dialogue, to deepen our appreciation of public life, to create spaces of respect and appreciation for diversity, to encourage critical thinking, to build culturally sensitive curricula, to create a vibrant democratic public sphere, to try to change the hardened hearts and minds of our increasingly parasitic financial aristocracy, to build knowledge from the experiences and the histories of students themselves, to make knowledge relevant to the lives of students, and to encourage students to theorize and make sense of their experiences in order to break free from the systems of mediation that limit their understanding of the world and their capacity to transform it, to challenge racism, sexism, homophobia, ableism, to fight against white supremacy, etc..
Students will examine the artistic characteristics of Dream of Arcadia, discuss the meaning and significance of conservation with respect to nature, and create a public service message poster encouraging conservation of a natural space with which the students are familiar.
Your essay on Mayor Cory Booker's aspirations for change in the Newark Public Schools District («Home Is Where the Heart Is,» features, Fall 2006) was encouraging in one respect but discouraging in many others.
Design a school that pays more and reaches all with excellence — October 10, 2013 Public Impact Co-Directors Refresh Vision: Opportunity Culture for ALL — September 25, 2013 Report shows promising alternative to closing failing charter schools — August 14, 2013 Rocketship Education: Bringing tech closer to teachers — July 24, 2013 Case study: New charter pays more, extends teachers» reach, gets strong results — July 9, 2013 Case study: How Charlotte zone planned Opportunity Culture schools — June 27, 2013 Case study: How one Leading Educators fellow extends her reach — June 17, 2013 Opportunity Culture district creates paid role for student teachers — May 22, 2013 Reports: City - based organizations» roles in quality digital learning — May 15, 2013 Nation's fifth - largest district explores extending reach of excellent teachers — May 9, 2013 A Better Blend: Combine digital instruction and great teaching to dramatically improve learning — April 30, 2013 Indiana Encourages Dramatically Different Models in New Charter Schools — April 18, 2013 Charlotte Flooded with Teacher Applicants Seeking Roles to Extend Their Reach — April 11, 2013 New charter school study shows the steps to great schools — March 14, 2013 Nashville Joins Sites Extending Excellent Teachers» Reach — March 7, 2013 Opportunity Culture Network to Link Charter School Organizations — February 6, 2013 Share Opportunity Culture with Your Teachers: New Slide Deck and Two - Pager — Dec 13, 2012 Career Paths That Respect Teachers» Time and Talent — Nov 15, 2012 You Know Who Your Great Teachers Are — Now What?
Where this administration of justice is ineffective for the vast majority of the public, the incentive to participate in change to encourage respect for this system has never been more dire.
The Bousliman award recognizes lawyers who have established a reputation for professionalism and have demonstrated extraordinary professionalism by contributing time and resources to public service, public education, charitable or pro bono activities, and encouraging respect for the law and our legal system by making the legal system more accessible and responsive.
At para 20 for example, he states «The Attorney General intends to encourage this Court to adopt «clear, consistent and predictable rules and processes to facilitate the consideration of resource development projects in the public interest in a manner that respects section 35 of the Constitution Act, 1982.»
Facilitate public scrutiny of government policies with respect to economic, social and cultural rights, and encourage the involvement of the relevant sectors of civil society in the formulation, implementation and review of these policies;
Tattling was always a pet peeve of mine and, whenver one of mine would come to me witha complaint that someone had hit, or grabbed, etc., I learned to say, «What happened just before he / she hit, grabbed, etc.» I believe anything parents can do to foster a positive self - image (that means private, not public, discipline, even if it means a quick walk to a restroom or back to the car), and to encourage mutual respect (allowing a child to express how he / she feels about the discipline being meted out by the parent, and giving an age - appropriate child a say - so in the discipline) will not only benefit the child, but will benefit all those who encounter that child during his / her lifetime.
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