Sentences with phrase «encourages natural child»

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She said: «What we need is a culture in our schools which gives emotional support to children through puberty without encouraging them to make life - long decisions against their natural born biological sex.
Parents are urged to develop an atmosphere of mutual respect; to communicate on levels of fun and recreation as well as on discipline and advice; to allow a child to learn «through natural consequences» — that is, by experiencing what happens when he dawdles in the morning and is permitted to experience the unpleasantness and embarrassment of being late to school; to encourage the child and spend time with him playing and learning (positively) rather than spending time lecturing and disciplining (negatively), since the child who is misbehaving is often merely craving attention and if he gets it in pleasant, constructive ways, he will not demand it in antisocial ways; to avoid trying to put the child in a mold of what the parent thinks he should do and be, or what other people think he should do and be, rather than what his natural gifts and tendencies indicate; to take time to train the child in basic skills — to bake a cake, pound a nail, sketch or write or play a melody — including those things the parents know and do well and are interested in.
Thus, he argues, the state has a right to legislate in a manner that encourages the formation of traditional two - parent families» largely by reinforcing the natural connection between sex and child rearing» even where such legislation might run afoul of a strictly individualist conception of liberty.
Y Camp immerses children in a community where making friends is natural, exploring new interests is encouraged, and discovering inner strength is guaranteed.
Bella Luna Toys is committed to offering unique natural toys and products for children and families that are safe, healthy, and encourage imaginative play.
Encouraging your child to reach her goals and explore her natural talents is a much better atmosphere for growth.
These connection points are all about maintaining and enriching a strong parent / child relationship through all of the ages and stages of childhood so that, through a foundation of trust and mutual respect, parenting takes the form of guiding instead of punishing, encouraging natural growth instead of forcing independence, and creating a strong, intimate, interwoven family fabric that will stand the test of time.
You Are Your Child's First Teacher, Third Edition: Encouraging Your Child's Natural Development from Birth to Age Six
I don't really care what you choose, but a consequence that seems natural to the offense and encourages the child to think twice next time and use listening ears is the ultimate goal.
When we encourage our young (and sometimes even teenage) children to be dependent, we are affirming their natural needs and fulfilling them.
Our goal is to awaken and encourage curiosity in children, enhance their natural ability to observe and experiment, nurture their innate capacity for creative problem - solving, and equip them for full participation in the civic and cultural life in Chicago.
Our goal is to partner with parents and educators of young children to reveal how science is part of our daily lives by using everyday encounters as opportunities to excite, teach, and encourage a connection to the natural world.
Beneath the Rowan Tree is our home for natural, child led toys made to encourage imaginative play.»
North River Nature Day Camp in Marshfield encourages children's lasting curiosity about the natural world.
While this is a period when parents want to encourage independence and social interaction, it's important for you to respect your child's natural rhythm.
But if the foods in question are highly processed, «better - for - you» junk foods — «Baked Flamin» Hot Cheetos with Calcium» — the sale of such items still falls far afield of the agency's laudable goal of encouraging children to enjoy more natural foods in their whole state.
She suggests encouraging curiosity in your gifted child by finding activities that will stimulate that sense of wonder, such as exploring the outdoors or visiting a natural history museum.
It's a really interesting book that encourages mothers to take a more natural approach to parenting, and to trust our instincts when it comes to raising emotionally and physically healthy children.
Potty Chairs are child size, which allows their little feet to be able to reach the floor, which shall encourage a more natural potty position that will assist them in producing an effective elimination of their waste.
«The author encourages natural mothers to search for the adult children they relinquished to be adopted.
It may interfere with your child's natural hunger / fullness cues, it will encourage emotional eating, it will increase your child's desire for sweet foods and it will increase your child's chances of health concerns such as overweight and obesity.
Check out A Child's World Curriculum — full of meaningful ways to encourage natural exploration with your children.
Open communication about sexuality helps your child understand his or her feelings and encourages a positive attitude toward a natural process.
Our products make parenting simple with our core mission: to encourage the natural development in children.
«The Baker - Polito Administration seeks to encourage children and their families to get outside and visit the Massachusetts state parks system, which offers a wealth of natural, cultural, and recreational resources, like the newly constructed boardwalk, for all to enjoy.»
Behavior Redirection, also referred to as behavior modification, uses a child's natural interests (cars, food, movies, storybook characters, movement, games, etc) along with a system of natural consequences, obtainable goals, and rewards to encourage success.
Play is the child's most natural way to learn and should be encouraged by parents.
I can't remember who said that children are natural scientists and parents need to encourage this, but I can vouch for this.
Children reading the comics should feel encouraged to use their natural inquisitiveness in biology and discover that a further study of plant biology could be very desirable and fun as well as lead to a future career.
Simply encouraging your child to exercise or stay active every day will help your child release endorphins, which is a natural way to increase happiness!
These classes encourage a healthy lifestyle and incorporate fitness as a natural part of children's lives by making fitness fun.
Simply encouraging your child to exercise or stay active everyday will help your child release endorphins, which is a natural way to increase happiness!
By encouraging hand hygiene in a way that stimulates a child's natural creativity, we hope to inspire future generations of happy, healthy and hygiene - conscious children
Through a range of creative and thought - provoking activities children consider ways to encourage recycling and responsible use of metal, paper, plastic, water, electricity and natural gas; and participate in recycling projects.
Survey activities encouraging children to consider what they already know about metals, plastics, water, electricity, natural gas and paper and how they use these resources in their everyday lives.
«Saving Steps» aims to encourage children to: • develop understanding of the origins of metals, plastics, electricity, natural gas, water and paper • be aware of concerns for the future such as the depletion of non-renewable resources • know how everyone can make a difference.
The book's premise is that although camp life for children is very difficult, the children's greatest resource in a camp is other children and encourages camp officials to «recognize and build on children's natural ability to share, to learn, to experience and have fun together.»
Nelson: Parents can encourage their children's natural interest in the world and how it works.
Leading on from this is a new meadow lawn area and ecological planting was established around the existing trees and a number of enclosed seating areas have been set into the natural planting to encourage quieter contemplation and conversation between small groups of children.
It's vital that parents and teachers work together to encourage children's natural curiosity and give them the tools to make sense of the world they live in.»
Guest blogger «Science Bob» highlights how parents can encourage their children's natural curiosity through activities like dismantling old computers, touring their home's utilities, and borrowing small wildlife creatures for temporary observation.
Unlocking Your Child's Genius: How to Discover and Encourage Your Child's Natural Talents - Andrew Fuller, Finch
Included is a brief powerpoint encouraging the children with ideas of what it may look like and natural environments for different types of insects.
Evidence shows that adopting an active lifestyle early in life encourages healthy habits in adulthood which means providing children with the time, space and facilities to enable that natural energy.
«Saving Steps» aims to encourage children to: • develop understanding of the origins of metals, plastics, electricity, natural gas, water and paper...
Instead, our campus is dotted with small buildings with natural light pouring inside of the windows, and our teachers are encouraged to take our children out on the miles of trails that surround our campus to teach class.
We encourage children's natural sense of adventure through outdoor exploration, physical activity, healthy food, and engagement with the local community.
Ed Stafford, renowned adventurer, explorer and broadcaster, will share his views on why the spirit of exploration is so important in today's world, underlining the importance of technology in encouraging children's natural curiosity and desire to learn.
In The Gardener and the Carpenter, she lays out her theory that caring for children is like tending a garden, with parent as gardener, encouraging a child's natural curiosity.
It is quite natural to read the way everyone else is reading nowadays but print books must be encouraged especially among children.
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