Sentences with phrase «encouraging consumerism»

I could have taken the angle of encouraging consumerism in the name of funding our dividends, but the wonderful thing about many of the companies that we dividend growth investors tend to invest in see secular demand for their products and services.
Cyberspace seems to be encouraging both consumerism and a plethora of anti-consumerism movements.
Current generations are being taught a lifestyle that encourages consumerism to a level that is destroying our planet.

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Or it may lead to a soulless, me - centered consumerism governed by multi-national financial interests that have no concern to promote the common good or encourage solidarity.
In a recent book, the distinguished American political scientist Robert A. Dahl offers an optimistic vision in which «an increasing awareness that the dominant culture of competitive consumerism does not lead to greater happiness gives way to a culture of citizenship that strongly encourages movement toward greater political equality among American citizens.»
What used to be a holiday that centred around spending time with family has now become consumerism crazed, with days like Black Friday encouraging excessive gift giving of toys which will be played with once and then not touched again.
Advertisers now spend fortunes marketing directly to kids — encouraging rampant consumerism and unhealthy diets.
The right to decide what to think rather than being told what to think reflects the neoliberal values of modern consumerism a situation supported by the Australian government encouraging women to empower themselves through informed decision making regarding maternity care [43].
Clearly it's in the interests of competition to encourage mindless consumerism.
But quite often, they also encourage mindless consumerism by promoting clothes that reflect passing trends, but soon end...
It's here — as well as during discussion of his controversial 2015 encyclical «Laudato si,» which indicted industry and consumerism for turning the world into «an immense pile of filth» — that Francis» potential to use his position as a vehicle for social change seems most encouraging.
The presentation encourages discussion on what Christmas is about and looks at consumerism and spiritual ideas.
If the 1960s cartoon plumbed comedy from putting the familiar in an unfamiliar context, the comic thrusts contemporary constructs like politics, consumerism, the military, and TV news into a Stone Age setting to encourage a frank reevaluation of perspective.
(Some critics and artists, especially the abstract expressionists, took great umbrage with Warhol's work, seeing it as antithetical to their ideals and as encouraging of consumerism.)
This exhibition runs from Wednesday, December 12th, 2012 to January 6th, 2013, punctuating a seasonal month known for its increased advertising meant to encourage inflated consumerism.
Encouraging reflection on consumerism, globalization, and mass media, her pieces function as archeological remnants of contemporary culture.
«Zero waste» is a lifestyle that embraces minimalism; rejects the ubiquitous disposable items that are everywhere in our society; challenges mainstream consumerism; and encourages people to come up with alternative reusable solutions to everyday life.
TH: How do you respond to folks who might say that EVO is just encouraging more consumption, and that «green consumerism» is at best a green band - aid over the planet's real problems?
Koleliba as we called this tiny vacation house (koleliba — a made up word meaning a hut on wheels) is our response to the invading consumerism that encourages us to always want our homes bigger, better and unnecessarily luxurious.
In a highly commercialized world where this kind of consumerism is encouraged, parents are in need of ways to force themselves to save.
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