Sentences with phrase «encouraging words mean»

Your encouraging words mean a lot to me and I am happy to hear from another women who's been through similar experiences with their period.

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In other words, the key to success today is being inclusive — which means bringing together a diverse leadership and workforce to promote and encourage a range of thoughts and ideas that could propel the company forward in a new way.
Jefferson in his many words is todays paul by basically testifying to a lost society by preaching «The heart «that is what God wants not the shell which will rott away.I can stand with this truth until the day I die because I also have had disagreements in my church about this same topic.I dispise religion and encourage salvation which come from having a relationship with Jesus.Many may ask how do i have a relationship with him?by simply asking God through prayer, not what we know as pray but simply given up and telling God he win.That is what being righteous means saying «lord your're right and i will believe and obey that.Last i will like to thank jefferson for this clip, becuase for so long I have been feeling like todays churches in not like the first churches.They are stuck into their four cornered walls preaching to those who already obtain the word and people who already think they are perfect, but what about the weak and the sinners who we are suppose to love, go after, preach to, help and deliver the same way as Christ camed for the sinners so do we also be like him.Jefferson basically telling all us young people and old no matter who have suffered in the world, the church, or no matter what party or the past that there is hope and «God wants that person» not the sin but the person.Jefferson wants us to know that God can become personal with us and we do exist or can exist in the christian world not because we are perfect but because «he is perfect and he saw our broken spirits and rescued us!
This use of words is effective when it is based on motivational research, is meant to overcome man's resistance and to arouse his desires, and is aimed at encouraging action.
This could mean that Wojciech Szczesny could be recalled from Roma as backup, but the Pole has also improved dramatically whilst out on loan, and is another that will be wanting to be first - choice wherever he plays, so neither him nor Ospina will have been encouraged by Wenger's words yesterday ahead of Petr Cech's 35th birthday...
The root word in discipline is actually disciple which in the verb form means to guide, lead, teach, model, and encourage.
It means a lot and these sweet words have encouraged me a lot to do better, since I started doing tutorials.:)
Note: there are some English words on these to encourage students to learn the words» meanings!!
Among the findings: (1) art activities can be integrated into classroom content and used to encourage rehearsal - type activities (such as songs) that incorporate relevant subject matter, (2) incorporating information into story, poem, song, or art form may place the knowledge in context, which can help students remember it, especially if the students are creating art that relates subject matter to themselves, (3) through artistic activities like writing a story or creating a drawing, students generate information they might otherwise have simply read, which will very likely lead to better long - term retention of that information, (4) physically acting out material, such as in a play, helps learners recall information, (5) speaking words aloud results in better retention than reading words in silence, (6) increasing the amount of effort involved in learning new information (such as being asked to discern meaning from an ambiguous sentence or to interpret a work of art) is positively associated with its retention, (7) emotionally charged content is easier to remember than content linked to events that are emotionally neutral, and (8) information presented as pictures is retained better than the same information presented as words.
Donna Wilson and Marcus Conyers, brain - based teaching program developers and authors, encourage us to boost students» reading retention by training them to visualize meaning as well as paying attention to the words themselves.
Each story includes activities, such as matching games for learning word meaning, spelling activities, quizzes to see how well readers remember the story, and write an answer activities to encourage readers to think about the story.
Likewise, they help learners begin to work out the meaning of new and unknown words from visual and linguistic clues or prompts - for example, encourage learners to look at the neuter nouns, and how they frequently end in'm», and at how feminine plural nouns frequently end in» ae».
Citing the words of author David Foster Wallace, Weissbourd encouraged students to seek freedom by the means of care, focus, sacrifice, and attention.
The name is derived from the Sanskrit word «Vajara», which means «the prize or object of desire that encourages someone to yield to temptation.»
Encourage children to use context clues to determine the meaning of new and unfamiliar words.
After a few sessions of class, Emily encourages her friends to stop using the word retarded to mean stupid.
Amazon encourages authors to get the word out via Facebook and Twitter and essentially any means possible to drive traffic to your book.
National Microchipping Month (NMM) meant the Kennel Club (KC) organizing two really enjoyable events to spread the word and encourage more owners to get their pets chipped.
Main Gallery [UNDER] Exhibition: May 23 - July 7, 2018 Reception: Friday May 25, 5 - 8 pm Gallery Talk: Thursday, June 14, 6 pm [UNDER] is an all - media, juried exhibition where artists were encouraged to interpret the wide range of meanings and possibilities of the word «under».
The project is designed to encourage community engagement and dialogue, and asks what do the three words mean to you and who constitutes «the people»?
Koleliba as we called this tiny vacation house (koleliba — a made up word meaning a hut on wheels) is our response to the invading consumerism that encourages us to always want our homes bigger, better and unnecessarily luxurious.
Although the word «promote» can take on more active means, as in «to contribute to the growth or prosperity of,» it can also take on more passive meanings, such as «to help or encourage to exist or flourish; further.»
Takach adds encouraging innovation will mean clean oil sand technology, more new start - ups every year and greater connection to the rest of the word.
All types of descriptive words are included (happy, sad, angry, mean, awesome, stupid, fat, skinny, excited, etc.) and students are encouraged to come up with their own adjectives to describe themselves.
The word Delaktig means «being involved» in Swedish, which is fundamentally what this range hopes to achieve — encouraging customers to be involved in how they want their product to look and adapt the range to meet their needs and personal lifestyle.
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