Sentences with phrase «encyclical about»

Pope Francis is about to release his encyclical about global warming and is expected to advocate for cutting the fossil fuel use that he and others blame for temperature rises...
Philosophers got very excited about the intellectual possibilities in Fides et Ratio, John Paul II's encyclical about faith and reason.
Evangelii Gaudium was about a great deal more than economics, of course, as was his subsequent encyclical about the environment, Laudato Si».
It will address Pope Francis» recent encyclical about the environment, as well as various upcoming United Nations meetings in France, Ethiopia and the US in 2015 regarding initiatives about climate change and sustainable development.

Not exact matches

But what we have here is the first example of what strikes me throughout the encyclical: a trust in political institutions and even a naiveté about them.
Francis's encyclical joins a number of documents, including the 2006 Evangelical Climate Initiative, a 2011 National Association of Evangelicals report, and a 2013 letter from 200 evangelical scientists to Congress, that «all state in clear and unmistakable terms that caring about climate change is caring for «the least of these,»» wrote evangelical climate scientist Katharine Hayhoe.
His support for the unborn resonated with Americans fighting the consequences of Roe v. Wade: The right to life movement received a new language and dimension when he first spoke about a «Culture of Life» in 1993 — significantly, during a visit to America — and two years later, described his full vision in his great encyclical, Evangelum Vitae.
The original text is reprinted here in the hopes that it will shed further light on the widespread reflection on caritas and economics about to be requested by Benedict XVI's upcoming encyclical
He wrote more encyclicals, and on more complicated subjects (no one was talking about in - vitro fertilisation in the sixth century), and he wrote in a way that will last: the legacy of his writings is certainly on a Gregorian scale.
The joy and relief of this was indescribable and we can only say that everything the Pope predicted about the effect on life, morals and families by the non-acceptance of the Encyclical has come true.
Vatican watchers in Italy are getting into a fever about the new economic encyclical by Benedict XVI, due out in a month or so.
«Thinking Catholics, who knew what had happened in Rome before the encyclical, who had absorbed all that Vatican II had to say about the Church as the People of God, had assumed that their concerns would be listened to and change in the Church's stance on birth control was inevitable.»
The introduction of that marvellous encyclical is headed Know Yourself and John Paul II has this to say after a few brief words about human consciousness:
In the words of Pope John Paul II in the encyclical Evangelium Vitae, the abortion debate is about the conflict between «the culture of life and the culture of death.»
Before going on to speak of the convergence that exists on this point between the present General Secretary of the World Council of Churches and the Encyclical Ut unum sint, I must first take the further step of showing that the suggestion about dialogue and reception as phases of a conciliar process has not come out of the blue.
So, there I was, pondering, with an old familiar feeling of perplexity (about which more anon), certain reactions to my reaction to various reactions to the pope's last encyclical, when it occurred to me that the one thing on which Hegelians of every stripe — right or left, theological or....
It is not my intention to defend everything the encyclical tradition has had to say about sex and marriage but rather to point out that that tradition, especially in Arcanum Divinae, at least had the argument in the right ball park — namely, that what one says about sex is correlative to one's understanding of the nature of the family and what its function is for the preservation of good societies.
As the encyclical Evangelium Vitae notes, the judgment regarding abortion does not rest on any one or any several Bible passages but on the entire teaching of revelation about life created in the image of God.
Hanvey and Carroll, this citation «eloquently makes the point about the relationship between authority and obedience that surfaces with the Encyclical».
The encyclical issued at the conclusion of the Council states, «The Orthodox Church is particularly concerned about the situation facing Christians, and other persecuted ethnic and religious minorities in the Middle East.
Hütter has written extensively about the work of Karl Barth, John Howard Yoder and Stanley Hauerwas on the one hand, and on the Roman Catholic moral and dogmatic tradition on the other — especially on papal encyclicals.
U.S. Catholics, mainline Protestants and Evangelicals are all more concerned about climate change now than before the pope's encyclical was published.
But a study published online today in the journal Cognition by researchers at the Annenberg Public Policy Center (APPC) of the University of Pennsylvania found that the encyclical did not directly influence people's beliefs about the seriousness of climate change or its effect on the poor.
But the encyclical had an indirect effect — people who knew about it were more likely to find the Pope more credible on this issue.
On climate change disproportionately harming the poor: Awareness of the encyclical didn't directly influence people's beliefs about the effects of climate change on the poor.
On the seriousness of climate change: Among people who were aware of the encyclical, there was no direct effect on people's beliefs about the seriousness of climate change.
«It describes a natural experiment — the introduction of a papal encyclical — on attitudes about a critical social issue, global warming.
«New survey on Americans» views on papal encyclical on climate change: Catholics mirror non-Catholic Americans in key attitudes about global warming.»
One other thing that comes to mind is the time I spent at the Vatican in 2014 at the meeting that preceded the encyclical and then writing about the pope's involvement in the climate question.
At today's Faith & Freedom Coalition event, «The Road to Majority,» Greenpeace asked presidential candidates about their reactions to Pope Francis» call for solutions to climate change, as justified by science, faith and morality in his freshly - released encyclical on ecology, climate change and poverty.
Heading back to Copenhagen tomorrow, where I will, I hope have time to work on the next video, about the Pope's upcoming encyclical.
The fuss about his environmental and economic analysis has — in my view — obscured the most significant aspect of this encyclical: his observation that climate change has already created human victims, and his insistence that we all have a moral obligation to help these vulnerable people.
On The Hugh Hewitt show this, Lanhee Chen asked me about the Pontiff's new encyclical on «climate change»:
On The Hugh Hewitt show this, Lanhee Chen asked me about the Pontiff's new encyclical on «climate change»: MARK STEYN: Well, I'm not a Catholic, and so I take popes as I find them.
By Uli Weber [Translated / edited by P Gosselin] In his encyclical «Laudato si, Pope Francis worries about our «common home», and fundamentally he is not incorrect here.
The poll by the Catholic University of America and Institute for Policy Research and Catholic Studies showed that Catholics who frequently attend Mass were more likely to support U.S. government actions to combat climate change after reading about the pope's encyclical (59 percent) than after receiving the message from an alternative source (50 percent).
'» This characterization is revealing of an ingrained belief about the Christian attitude toward nature, since the words «fill and subdue» do not even appear in the encyclical.
Like the encyclical, this statement addresses fundamental questions about mankind's relationship with the natural world.
There is, as Yuval Levin noted in his remarks on the encyclical, something paradoxical about the union of the left, which tends to see itself as the party of science, and the environmental movement, since the latter's holistic view of nature is at odds with modern science's ethic of human power over nature.
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