Sentences with phrase «encysted larvae»

The life cycle of the lungworm includes frogs, lizards, birds, and rodents as transport hosts of encysted larvae.
Worming the mother before birth is ineffective against encysted larvae.
During treatment, traditional dewormers only kill the worms already in the intestinal tract, not the encysted larvae.
Pregnant bitches, however, undergo a hormone change about three weeks before whelping that releases the encysted larvae, freeing them to migrate to the placenta and affect the fetuses as the bitch herself was affected when she was a growing embryo.
We currently do not have a deworming strategy effective against the encysted larvae in other areas of the host's body.
It does not affect encysted larvae.
Stage Three the encysted larva can remain attached for years causing few problems for the host.

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During migration, some roundworm larvae may encyst (the larvae become enclosed in a cyst) in a dormant state in the host's body.
Hartz Guard Ultra Plus is effective against the larvae and adults in the intestines, however it also reactivates the larvae encysted in the tissues, which then migrate to the intestines.
This is true even if the mother tests negative for roundworms because roundworm larvae (immature worms) encyst in the mother's muscle tissue and are not detected by our tests for the eggs of adult worms.
Some larvae simply migrate to the nearby liver and encyst there.
If the host is a puppy under age 6 months of age, the larvae mostly encyst in the host's liver.
If the new host is a member of another species, the larvae wait encysted until the new host is eaten by a dog.
Step Three: These second stage larvae can remain encysted happily for years.
This tissue migratory phase also produces a reservoir of viable larvae that can live for years encysted in the muscle tissue and are intermittently released during times of stress, such as during pregnancy or nursing.
Larvae that had encysted in the liver and gone dormant will re-awaken during the host's pregnancy, continuing their migration just in time to infect the nursing kittens.
If the new host is a member of another species, such as a rodent, the larvae wait encysted until the new host is eaten by a cat.
When larvae become encysted, they are resistant to most dewormers.
Pregnancy hormones unfortunately serve as little wake - up calls to encysted hookworm larvae only this time, the little worms migrate to the unborn puppies and to the mammary gland.
These larvae then infect the small intestine and some can encyst in the muscle tissue of cats.
If it is not Fluffy or Fido that pick up the second stage larva, the hatched worm remains encysted until the host is eaten by the appropriate species for that particular worm.
If the host is a dog, the larvae mostly encyst in the host's liver.
STEP THREE: These second stage larvae can remain encysted happily for years.
In adult cats, the roundworm larvae can encyst in the body tissues, and remain dormant for periods of time, later becoming activated during periods of stress or pregnancy.
Some larva never do reach the intestine, encysting in the dog's tissue before they get there.
Pregnant bitches can carry encysted roundworm larva in their tissues.
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