Sentences with phrase «end neighborhood as»

have friends who used Ikea in every room that required cabinets in a home they purchased in a high end neighborhood as a repo.
Multiple offers are common in many high - end neighborhoods as buyers compete for a small number of attractive properties.»

Not exact matches

End Scene Matthew Loftus lives in the Sandtown - Winchester neighborhood of Baltimore and works as a family physician.
Like Vera Stern, most of those who arrived in America ended up staying, finding jobs, and, frequently, moving into apartments in New York neighborhoods such as Manhattan's Upper West Side, Washington Heights, or Brooklyn's Borough Park.
The one with peppered gray hair, olive skin, and a head that looks heavy as a stone is James Pallotta, A.S. Roma's president, a 57 - year - old hedge fund billionaire from Boston's Italian neighborhood, the North End.
Also featured is a story about one mom's unpredictable path to building her family (with a happy India adoption ending), an article on Jackson Heights, Queens as the new neighborhood for gay and lesbian parents and an article on Pride and Joy families for upstate New York parents.
When I was pregnant we did a shoot walking through our neighborhood, and as the end of session treat we all ran through garden sprinklers as we walked home.
Next week, my school will host a public screening of the new documentary Lunch Line, which follows six Chicago kids from disadvantaged neighborhoods as they as they set out on a mission to fix school lunches — ending up at the White House.
Currently, they deliver throughout the city of Boston as well as to neighborhood pickup locations in the South End, Back Bay, North End, and Jamaica Plain (and will be adding more neighborhoods later this summer).
The North End is a such a great neighborhood for foodies, and tonight's event brings together 40 restaurants and bakeries as well as local wine vendors.
Possibly as diverse as its residences and perhaps one of the neighborhood's greatest assets is the series of small street - end beaches nestled along Lake Michigan's edges.
Lunch Line follows six kids from one of the toughest neighborhoods in Chicago as they set out to fix school lunch — and end up at the White House.
The thriller «Wicker Park,» which opens Friday, stars Josh Hartnett as a young heartbroken investment banker who settles in the neighborhood and ends up on an obsessive search for his lost love.
He'd also like to see an end to vacancy decontrol and a revamp of the 421 - a program that takes the neighborhood Area Median Income into consideration, as opposed to the current system that includes New York City and the wealthier areas of Westchester, Putnam and Rockland Counties.
The South End of Albany, as well as neighborhoods in Cohoes located near the «bomb» trains carrying Bakken crude oil still suffer from asthma, bronchitis and multiple cases of cancer that residents attribute to the air pollution.
De Blasio has also faced criticism from his liberal base that some of his policies, such as his support of «broken windows» policing and his plan to rezone 15 city neighborhoods, do not jibe with his campaign promises to end what he called «a tale of two cities» in New York.
Now, as President Donald Trump has sent ICE agents storming through neighborhoods, is looking to undo Roe v. Wade and end the Affordable Care Act, Senate Republicans will be the arbiters of any laws New York tries to pass to protect its citizens.
I believe we can all come together as a city and work collectively to end gun violence, reduce tensions in our neighborhoods, and improve police - community relations.»
Groups such as Communities United for Police Reform and the Coalition to End Broken Windows say that minority neighborhoods are already over-policed as evidenced by the deaths of people such as Eric Garner and Akai Gurley during interactions with the police.
Espaillat said that winning in Congress means that he will be able to provide «some level of relief for neighborhood and families that are facing eviction or having a tough time making ends meet,» such as the child care tax credit increase proposal he announced earlier this year, which he said will provide relief for working families.
To that end, he supports the city's universal pre-K plan, but also said schools in low - income neighborhoods need additional resources and better management, as well as better parent - teacher interaction.
Now, as the end of school approaches, the ice cream truck screams through our neighborhood, announcing the arrival of overpriced individually packaged treats.
I love the South End — it is probably my favorite neighborhood as well.
It's as much a snapshot of a screwball neighborhood as it is a loose - ended shaggy dog story, with a weird, buoyant spirit that lifts it up over its somewhat sloppy storytelling.
A tragedy from the end of season two finds the ladies realizing they need each other to face the issues in their lives as new maid (Naya Rivera) joins the neighborhood.
This watershed moment ended with Mukunda being taken into custody by the cops, after which point the officials began to intercede with Oscar's self - made hermit kingdom, and the cloistered Angulo boys began, tentatively, to roam their neighborhood as a group.
Set to be released in the States this August, The World's End, follows a group of childhood / neighborhood friends as they reunite to attempt to succeed at a Pub Crawl in their hometown!
The movie concerns a seemingly normal nuclear family - Steve (David Duchovny), Kate (Demi Moore), Mick (Ben Hollingsworth), and Jenn (Amber Heard)- who, as it turns out, are actually a foursome of stealth marketers, with their task to infiltrate a wealthy neighborhood and surreptitiously convince its various residents to buy a series of high - end (and not - so - high - end) products.
The story follows Sophie as she ends up in Giant Country, only to learn that the BFG (which is what she calls the Big Friendly Giant) is really rather small in the neighborhood.
Meanwhile, Lyn's attempts to reach out to other neighborhood moms now that Iona has left the nest end just as pathetically.
It is every miserablist working - class, undereducated, easily - roused neighborhood - as - allegory you've ever seen on film, from Dead End to Out of the Furnace.
If, for example, drug - market activity is concentrated within a few schools, we might expect large differences in criminality in the high school years that diminish as enrollment in the chosen school ends and lottery winners and losers return to the same neighborhoods.
Hasköy was founded as a squatter [gecekondu] neighborhood towards the end of the 1940s by migrants coming from rural areas to the city.
I eventually ended up in the classroom by volunteering my time as a gardener at a neighborhood school in inner - city Houston.
It's a warm afternoon in May in Boston's Dorchester neighborhood, and as the bell signals the end of the school day at the Smith Leadership Academy School, kids flood into the halls and burst through the doors outside.
The study compares the experiences of students who lived in the same neighborhoods — potentially just across the street from one another — but ended up at schools with different racial mixes as a result of the zoning change.
Expanding charter schools and passing school - voucher legislation, as being voted on right now in Harrisburg, will end the public school monopoly that has failed low - income neighborhoods.
«The bill charts a course for the end of our neighborhood public schools as we know them, paving the way for struggling schools to be converted to privately run charter schools unanswerable to locally elected school boards and taxpayers,» she said.
Suggesting, as the manifesto does at the end, that failing schools in the poorest of neighborhoods can close and those children can find charter schools is a cop out by those whose job it is to find good solutions for public schools.
So now we have a full - blown greed - driven, politically motivated power struggle pitting those wishing to end neighborhood public schools, as we have known them, against those wanting to preserve and improve them.
When busing ended I had the sense that many in Denver felt that the district could get back to business as usual, maintaining traditional neighborhood schools and creating magnets seemingly designed to keep white middle class kids in the district.
Education Commissioner Stefan Pryor has chosen Clark, a North End neighborhood school that has struggled with low test scores and chronic absenteeism, as a candidate to enter the state Commissioner's Network after this academic year.
While voucher advocates like to use words like «choice,» «freedom» and «opportunity,» AB1 is really nothing more than a measure to take over public schools and accelerate the privatization of public education — «charting a course for the end of our neighborhood public schools as we know them,» says Betsy Kippers, a physical education teacher for students with special needs who is serving as president of the Wisconsin Education Association Council.
In places where magnet schools only allow mobility within the district, students may end up going to magnet schools that are as segregated as the neighborhood schools these students would have otherwise attended.
Conversely, it could result in magnet schools being discouraged from trying to achieve racial integration and ending up being schools that are as racially segregated as neighborhood schools.
«We will also end the crazy drive to privatization, which does things like keep our schools filthy, where principals are complaining about a lack of attention when teachers can't teach because there aren't basic things in those classrooms such as computers and textbooks and the support personnel in each of those neighborhoods.
But all I knew as we drove through our shady neighborhood was: My life as I know it is ending!
With a higher down payment, the risks associated with ending up in one of these neighborhoods is lower because the homeowner won't need to ask as much to sell and is less likely to be locked into the home if they want to leave.
To add on previous comment I was renting a room for only $ 350 a month in San Diego (insane deal) in a house and nice neighborhood from Real Estate Agent that worked in same office as I. Everyday he would tell me «you are making so much money you need an interest deduction,» «I can start showing you houses,» and so on - this went on for months on end until I decided yes I needed to offset my income via the interest paid on a home loan.
As a child, I was always helping animals in distress in my neighborhood, though my mom actually ended up doing a lot of the work.
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