Sentences with phrase «end of a credit boom»

This applies to financials as well, but many value investors lost a lot of money on financials because they ignored credit quality near the end of a credit boom.

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But, in the end, the U.S. experience included the major elements of most booms: Too much leverage, too little understanding of risk, too easy credit terms, and then a very sharp reversal.
Historically, credit booms have tended to end only after a protracted period of higher - than - average interest rates and / or a significant contraction in the economy.
Although this ratio remains below the peak reached at the end of the 1980s boom, a continuation of current rates of credit growth would see the late - 1980s peak exceeded sometime in 2004.
In the space of three years he went from being lauded as the UK's most successful chancellor of the exchequer who had declared the «end of boom and bust» and «the beginning of a new Golden Age» to presiding over a country in a debilitating credit crunch amid Labour in - fighting, a breakdown in relations with many colleagues including his chancellor, and ultimately a failure to dissuade the electorate against the Tory / Lib Dem mantra that Labour allowed it all to go wrong.
The end of the boom, as far as the credit market is concerned, can last a long time.
The solar boom in 2016 was in part due to the large number of projects which were scheduled for completion in advance of the anticipated drop - down of the U.S. investment tax credit (ITC), which was extended at the end of 2015.
Stagnant incomes and constrained credit have had greater impacts on homeownership rates since the end of the housing boom than long - term demographic changes, and will likely continue to drive homeownership trends in the near future.»
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