Sentences with phrase «end of a sleep cycle»

But he tends to wake up at the end of each sleep cycle (about every 45 minutes) and will only fall back asleep if I nurse him to sleep.
At the end of a sleep cycle, the sleeper may begin the cycle all over again.
Kids frequently wake up briefly at the end of their sleep cycle.
If you always feed her to sleep, then again, you can see why she may not like it when she gets to the end of the sleep cycle and there is no bottle or breast nearby.
At the end of each sleep cycle, a baby is in a very light sleep state and may even momentarily wake up before entering into a new cycle.
«He also gets used to waking up at the end of a sleep cycle and thinking he needs to suck and eat in order to fall back to sleep,» says Dr. Brown.
When a newborn awakens at the end of the sleep cycles, there is typically a quiet alert phase.
The key to taking a longer nap is to get a sense of how long your sleep cycles are, and try to awaken at the end of a sleep cycle.
2) Sleep — The body makes HGH near the end of the sleep cycle, so getting enough sleep is a key to having good HGH levels.
I think I wake at the end of a sleep cycle.
I woke up around midnight last night and apparently had hit the end of a sleep cycle and I was AWAKE.
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