Sentences with phrase «end of capitalism»

Even if investors possess all three of these abilities, it will all be for naught if they do not have a fourth one: the emotional discipline to execute their planned strategy faithfully, come hell, high water, or the apparent end of capitalism as we know it.
He prophesised that the capitalists would impoverish the proletariat until they had «nothing to lose but their chains,» which eventually would lead to revolution and the very end of capitalism.
If anyone seriously thinks Vince Cable believes in the inevitable end of capitalism, they are as detached from reality as some who does believe in it.
Some bears say scenes like these Greece riots herald the end of capitalism as we know it (Photo: Yannis Behrakis / Reuters)
Carlyle's IPO raises a fundamental question about our future: we know capitalism was never perfect — but are we really ready for the end of capitalism as we once knew it, when it worked?
But German sociologist Wolfgang Streeck discerns in the demise both of globalization and neoliberalism the end of capitalism itself, at least the variety of capitalism that exists in North America and Western Europe.
Similarly and more particularly, imperialism has been identified, and by no means only by Marxists, with capitalism, from which identification the logical conclusion was drawn, that the end of capitalism would signify the end of imperialism as well.
Far from causing the end of capitalism, it launched the industrial age.
You argue that, «fully realised», it means «the end of capitalism».
Grantham also made a comment with the tone that if margins do not revert that means the end of capitalism.
We have recovered so our view of the event gets coloured by it but at the time it felt like financial Armageddon; it felt like the end of capitalism and that scars folks.
Over the past couple of years, the economic crisis has almost brought about the end of capitalism.
It is not difficult — however — to imagine scenarios in which markets are deliberately destabilised to hasten the end of capitalism.
Or at least the end of capitalism.
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