Sentences with phrase «end of creation»

Today, when many speak of the primacy of Christ in creation, they are referring to the Scotist interpretation of the divine motive for the Incarnation: the Incarnation is the primary end of all creation.
As far as I can ascertain, it would not have been in the first six days, for at the end of the creation week, God proclaimed that all of creation was very good.
At the end of the creation account, God gives dominion over the earth to mankind — the pinnacle of His creation.
That God is Creator and End of creation is a common datum of all formulations of the faith.
It began at the end of creation week when God Himself set the 7th day apart for mankind to spend with Him.
We may understand the Spirit of Christ as the power that seeks to extend to the ends of creation and its future this all - inclusiveness.
He writes in reference to Genesis 1, «There is an end of the creation of that which was made «in the image»: then it makes a resumption of the account of creation, and says, «male and female He created them.»
That is, it taught that the end of creation was the wellbeing of human beings, and that all else exists only to serve us.
Upon this same subject, Dr. Scott informs us «that it was not conducive to the happiness of the man to remain without the consoling society, and endearment of tender friendship, nor consistent with the end of his creation to be without marriage by which the earth might be replenished and worshipers and servants raised up to render him praise and glory.
By the end of the creation week, gravitational waves had dissipated, so they are not seen in the CMB.
So by the end of your creation, you have a short music video of animals dancing on the screen as your customized tune plays for all to hear.
Bringing to mind the sand mandalas painstakingly sprinkled by Tibetan monks, Yamamoto's creations, which take hundreds of hours to pour, are also ritually destroyed at the end of their creation and viewing.
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