Sentences with phrase «end of project physical»

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Mitsuda felt an overwhelming amount of largely self - imposed pressure during this project and even collapsed due to physical illness at the end of it.
The project is open - ended in nature, revolving around ideas of transformation and potentially accumulation as the physical form of the work is altered through the actions of rehearsal participants, as well as by those of the artist.
To this end, Cruz will use the project space not as a site of artistic production in the physical sense: instead, he will purposefully work creatively within the curatorial and display aspects of the installation of this work as an exhibition.
Projects could meet the construction deadline by either starting physical work or through the safe harbor clause, which required them to spend at least 5 % of the project cost prior to the end of 2013 and maintain continuous progress thereafter.
Although 85 of these awards were for wind projects, a number of large solar projects have already or will qualify for Treasury Grants by «having begun construction by satisfying either the «physical work» or «5 % of costs» method or both» by the end of 2011.
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