Sentences with phrase «end of the chain»

Once you've run the chain through, open up the clip and connect the other end of the chain on to make a complete loop.
Step 3: Place the cut ends of the chain onto a jump ring.
Measure the length of your necklace by putting it around you neck and holding the loose end of the chain to the other side of the pendant.
At the opposite end of the chain of events initiated by DDR2 is a protein called SNAIL1, which has long been associated with breast cancer metastasis.
Following its $ 200 million acquisition of meal kit startup Plated last fall, grocery chain Albertsons announced this week it would roll out Plated's meal kits to hundreds of stores by the end of
That sequence can not be infinite, and so at the far end of the chain there must be something which is not «potentially» anything — an «unactualized actualizer.»
If God has called you to be on the Spanish - speaking end of the chain, and hasn't given you the time to also master Greek and Hebrew, then learn Spanish, and rely on people you trust who know Greek and Hebrew.
I had the little twinge of anxiety that I always get when I have to scale a fence - remembering the time a jagged end of chain link ripped my hand open as a child.
In Africa and Asia, WCS is working with governments to stop wildlife trafficking at the source, transport and consumer ends of the chain.
Omega - 3 fatty acids (omega - 3s) have a carbon — carbon double bond located three carbons from the methyl end of the chain.
Examples of extinct volcanoes are many volcanoes on the Hawaiian — Emperor seamount chain in the Pacific Ocean (although some volcanoes at the eastern end of the chain are active), Hohentwiel in Germany, Shiprock in New Mexico, and Zuidwal volcano in the Netherlands.
If he's called you to the other end of the chain, learn Greek and Hebrew, minister to the English - speaking community, and be a resource for the guys who know Spanish.
7 Slip one end of the chain onto the exposed part of the screw.
This reduces the need to wait for a transaction to be included in a block at the end of the chain.
However, the nature of blockchain is such that many transactions need to wait for a block to be added to the end of a chain on a network.
In fact, and although it operates successively on two different levels (that of the purely organic functioning of the mother, and that of her conscious action applied to another consciousness) what takes place is one and the same process pursued externally from one end of the chain to the other.
They imply that I need their anchors of doctrine ---- that is, that their particular steel chain and recurved hand - forged weight on the end of that chain... is for everyone for all time.
At one hour scientists, at another they are Christians or common men, with the will to live burning hot in their breasts; and, holding thus the two ends of the chain, they are careless of the intermediate connection.
Namely, in this mechanistic view of nature — a matrix of external relations between independent, isolable relata — the object perceived consists of an active, unconditioned cause, while the event of perceiving exists as a passive, determined effect of this and other causes, as the last link «at the end of a chain of physical and physiological events which alone can be ascribed to the «real body»» (PP 75f).
«In developed countries food is wasted mostly at the end of the chain, at distribution and consumption.
Place the toys on the floor out of baby's reach in sitting but give baby the end of the chain and watch her figure out that she can retrieve her toys by pulling.
At the end of the chain was a circle with the words «Daddy is Home!»
If baby lets go of the rings, they simply drop to the end of the chain around mom's neck.
Pinecones form the weights at the ends of the chains.
Had the polymerase made a full turn around the template and had the two ends of the chain been united by the joining enzyme?
At the end of the chain are doctors and their patients, Müller says — so those seeking to enter the field can benefit from putting themselves in the position of clinicians as they try to solve patients» problems.
According to the team's observations, in fact, once formed the knot moves along the chain in an apparently casual manner, it may take a step to the left, then two to the right and so on, so that at the end of the chain it generally tends to disappear, «falling» outside the filament.
At Virgo, for example, the mirrors are suspended at the end of a chain of seven pendulums.
The girls represented by the pink dots at the end of the chain, however, don't face a risk — the one - way gray arrow suggests that they knew these guys before the love triangle developed.
«By the end of the chain we have what look very much like stereotypes with physical features — such as color — strongly associated with the possession of specific personality attributes.»
A magnetized scanning tunneling microscope tip was used to probe the spin property of the quantum wave function of the Majorana fermion at the end of a chain of iron atoms on the surface of a superconductor made of lead.
In these wires, Majoranas occur as pairs at either end of the chains, provided the chains are long enough for the Majoranas to stay far enough apart that they do not annihilate each other.
So in a DNA strand, there is a set of 100 to 1,000 codons (300 to 3,000 bases) that specify the amino acids to form a specific enzyme, and then a stop codon to mark the end of the chain.
And finally, at the end of the chain, there are dozens of research groups that will analyse the data obtained to try to answer biological questions.
Like all fatty acids, PUFAs consist of long chains of carbon atoms with a carboxyl group at one end of the chain and a methyl group at the other.
From a holistic perspective food is at the end of the chain of what nourishes us.
Then that will be the end of chain necklaces for me.
To help put the tassel in the chain easily, you can use needle and thread and tie it to one end of the chain and then insert the tassel
Last step is to add a clasp onto the end of each chain piece using jump rings and needle nose pliers
Take either a lightweight chain or ribbon and use this as a double headband, letting the ends of the chain or ribbon fall down on either side, and then pin it to loose curls.
Free dating in portland oregon You whispered something to the person next to you, and at the end of the chain, you compared what you started with to what good catch phrase dating site last person heard.
I'm that sexy girl on the end of that chain going crazy.
Brewer talks about his inspiration for the characters in the film, their connection to southern culture and why he sees himself as the frightened girl on the end of the chain.
Dynasty Warriors 9 really loves its sharp things on the ends of chains.
«Far - flung,» said Cynthia through a mouthful of pink meringue she was secretly eating underneath the desk, and that was the end of the chain; nobody could thing of anything else.
Although initially a level may look easy you have to remember that once you have your cargo hooked on to the end of your chain and hook it will increase the size of your dimensions meaning some gaps are not as easy to squeeze through as you first may have thought.
The original clip at the end of the chain (not shown in the pictures since I removed it to use somewhere else) was annoying as it just got in the way and would clank against my Kindle Fire screen.
I was surprised to see a $ 10 wire transfer fee at the end of the chain when CurrencyFair transfered from their BofA account to my BofA...
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