Sentences with phrase «end of the class period»

Don't assign homework until the very end of the class period.
In fact, for the enthused teachers — those en theos, Greek for «inspired by a god» — you had to practically kick them off stage at the end of the class period.
Tip 6 Return test papers at the end of a class period — not at the start of a class period.
By the end of the class period, students must post a fact or information from their research to the Padlet wall.
Homework needed to be available before the end of the class period so students could get work done during study halls and before athletics in the afternoon.
At the end of the class period, Eugene can look at the stories and assess whether the writers understood the relationship between story elements, and whether they used the literary techniques and devices correctly.
An alternative pattern in departmentalized settings is to have 5 - 10 minutes of PAT at the end of each class period.
Exit tickets are given at the end of a class period, and should only take a few minutes for students to complete.
You need to begin each day with clarity about what students should know and be able to do by the end of the class period, and every second of your day should be purposefully moving you toward that end.
Three to five questions make for a good exit ticket, and students should be able to complete the whole thing in just a few minutes at the end of a class period.
At the end of these class periods, I find myself doubting both my planning and project design.
Older students might answer quiz questions or post a short response on Schoology at the end of a class period.
At the end of each class period, ask students if they feel there are any items that can be crossed off the need to know list because they have been sufficiently discussed and answered in class.
Other teachers have a 10 - minute PAT at the end of each class period, during which they use learning games to review material taught earlier in the period.
«It's easy to give a lecture, or to use closure at the end of the class period, but we all know that kids tune that stuff out,» he said.
The end of a class period may often feel like a time to slow down and regroup before another set of students arrives.
Consequently, the culture should value time at the beginning and end of each class period and the importance of protecting each minute of learning.
I would also urge that if a simulation is focused on creating a certain emotional response out of the students, such as the anger of the colonists in The King's M&M's, be sure to debrief students before the end of the class period, so the students understand the relationship of the activity to the historical concept in the instructional objective.
These qualities or criteria can be explained on a rubric and used to evaluate the seminar at the end of the class period.
This strategy helps teachers know with certainty which students have or have not mastered the taught content at the end of a class period.
«Exit Tickets» are used to have students have a forced recall or reflection moment at the end of each class period to enhance memory consolidation.
Denver School of Science Technology teachers embed the ACT standards in daily lessons and administer homemade, web - based mini - assessments at the end of each class period.
If you have ever taught in the traditional classroom, you understand when I say that we would consider it a «success» if we were able to take role, check homework, deal with discipline issues, wake up a few students, teach the lesson, and still have 10 minutes at the end of the class period to circle around the room and help our students one - on - one with their homework.
In particular, essential questions are meant to focus on long - term learning and thus be revisited over time, not answered by the end of a class period.
An «exit slip» at the end of a class period to determine students» understanding of the day's lesson or quick checks during instruction such as «thumbs up / down» or «red / green» (stop / go) cards are also examples of questioning strategies that elicit immediate information about student learning.
At the end of a class period ask students to take out a piece of scrap paper, or hand out blank index cards (keep a stack readily available) and ask students a question related to that day's lesson.
I played Fish Banks for the first time this year with my high school students and they were so thoroughly engaged, they were practically screaming when the bell rang at the end of the class period... no one wanted to leave.
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